Politicians & Media Set the Stage – Now Avreichim Pay the Bill

The amount of coverage given to the issue of drafting avreichim is perhaps second to none, at least any story in recent years. One could safely add that the negative, hateful and inciteful statements made by politicians against the chareidi community in recent weeks may also be termed “unprecedented”, and this with the knowledge that enemies of the torah tzibur has been referring to chareidim as “parasites” for years, but this campaign may be described a “record-breaker”.

As a result, talmidim reporting to induction centers to declare learning as their fulltime profession, “תורתו אומנותו”, are finding the atmosphere has changed, radically in some case.

Chareidim know the routine, and many report to the Tel Hashomer induction center to make their declaration, usually an unceremonious event that requires them to declare they are learning and then receive a draft deferment.

Now however, there are complaints, not from one or two talmidim, but from many explaining they are being taunted, insulted, and compelled to simply sit and wait for hours, at times under the hot sun instead of permitting them to sign and return to the beis medrash.

Kikar Shabbos cites one case in which a bochur arrived at 09:30 in the hope of completing his mission in a half hour and then return to yeshiva, Ponevezh. He was told “sit here until 11:00 and then we will deal with you. You guys have plenty of time”.

This resulted in an argument until a soldier began using vulgarity and simply taunted and degraded the bochrim present.

The bochrim admit they were instructed to come at 11:00, but they also know this is an annual ritual and they are always permitted to arrive early, sign and return to yeshiva, that is until things changed this year.

The IDF Spokesman explains if they were instructed to arrive at 11:00 then they cannot expect to be processed earlier. If in past years this was the case it would signal in the past they were able to accommodate them but this year, the situation seems to have changed.

Regarding insults, foul language and vulgarities leveled at them, the spokesman stated “they are unaware of such occurrences”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. I’m not in Israel, and maybe things are different in the actual papers, but at the moment, the “unprecedented” coverage this story is getting on the Haaretz website consists of two articles both posted beneath such breaking news as a report on the 5 best falafel joints in Tel Aviv.

    Perhaps you’re slightly overstating the amount of coverage being devoted here.

  2. Where’s the PR for the Torah side of this issue?? Is there a reason there isn’t an effort to explain to the not-yet-observant Israeli public the reason why we are so against drafting Torah learners..?

  3. Why does this article not surprise me??? It’s the true colors shining bright! go ahead defend them, all of you part of the “Let’s Get Parasites” club!!! how many more times will it have to be proven THEY HATE THE CHAREIDIM!!!Although I am sure some of you will be creative enough to blame the yeshiva bochurim!

  4. why does this article surise me? the charedim admit that they always broke the rules – including no. they have the chutzpa to complain!! in the army they will learn to follow rules

  5. That this news piece was published is so disturbing:
    Some Jews have to show up for 2.5 years of service, while others can’t graciously give up a morning for their deferral?
    Is it any wonder that the average Jew in Israel does’t undersatnd what the heck the Chareidim want?
    To be “chareidi” means no ‘busha’?

  6. #1: I am in Israel and I don’t see the “unprecedented” coverage. Don’t get me wrong, the media and people are talking about it but it’s just another news piece alongside the Iran threat, bombshelters needed & slowly being built in the South, Eilat being added to the Iron Dome, something about Gilad Shalit & France, something about Israel doing navy training with Turkey & England, etc.

  7. For goodness’ sake people!
    they told you to be there at 11am.
    You got there early.
    It’s not harassment to make you wait for your appointment.

    now, swearing and being called parasites is, but there is way to much hyperbola from both sides

  8. #4 straightshooter: WRONG, the Charedim are the ones FOLLOWING the rules, the REAL rules and the only ones that count – G-d’s rules, called the TORAH – the army should learn from THEM

    #5 Brooklyn:
    No, to be chareidi means to take what G-d says seriously – that those learning Torah are the ones protecting those in the IDF (and the entire nation!) – NOT the other way around!

  9. To all of you. This is considered unprecedented coverage. If you read the article, the author claims its unprecedented in the level of hate and the amount of times derogatory terms are being used by all dregs of society against the charedim. Every day for over a month already there have been so many news articles, op-eds, politicians quotes, that spew vile and hateful words to a degree that has never been so public until now.

  10. while i’m sure there are people that really dislike us, i think most are just frustrated or feel like we have distanced ourselves from them. the fact that our ‘leaders’ refuse to even sit down and discuss the issues is damaging. i understand they don’t want to give any weight to the commitee involved in the new law but refusing to be a part of discussions doesn’t help. anyway, i think it’s very unfair and untrue to say that “they all hate us.” maybe we’re making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. i think that everytime someone says that as a blanket statement or the chareidi media publishes that it’s just damaging us even more. both sides have their generalizations in their minds about the other side – it’s keeping us from being able to really sit down and discuss the issues.

  11. why don’t the kollel communities offer to relocate their kehilla to the enemy lines, protect themselves, and not accept any government funding. the bochorim would immediately appreciate how easy the have it and perhaps agree to contribute their time.

  12. from what i understand and see is charedi means do it our way or your worth nothing, conform with our way or we will pepper sprey your 60 year old mother.Yes that actualy happend.

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