Agudath Israel Of Illinois Summer Shiurim For Women Branches Out

This year, the Agudath Israel of Illinois’ Shabbos Summer Shiurim Series for Women expanded to new neighborhoods in Chicago.

For the past decade, the Chizuk Hadas Committee of Agudath Israel of Illinois offered women in Chicago a series of Shabbos shiurim, running for six to eight weeks in the Peterson Park area of the city. Each shiur, given by the Dayan of Agudath Israel, Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, was an individual lesson in halacha l’maaseh (practical Halacha), so individuals could enjoy the learning even if they had missed a week.

The shiurim were very popular, with close to 100 women attending each week to hear the halachos pertaining to that weeks’ subject and to take advantage of the weekly Question & Answer period to pose questions to the Dayan.

This year, with the recent formation of the Midwest Bais Horaah, and with the availability of two Bais Horaah Poskim, Rabbi Moshe Kaufman and Rabbi Yisroel Langer, the Shiurim series was able to branch out to new neighborhoods in the Chicago community.

Having the availability of an informative halacha shiur more conveniently located than in the past has resulted in nice turnouts for each week’s Shiur and numerous women thanking the Agudah for making the shiurim possible.

The Shiurim will run through Parshas Re’ah, with the last four weeks being hosted by Bais HaMedrash Mikor HaChaim.

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

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