Dr. Margalit: Chareidim are Our Economic Future

While the chareidi tzibur is preparing for the fight of its life in Israel, Dr. Ariel Margalit has a different outlook regarding Israel’s chareidim.

According to a report released by Ladaat.net, Margalit was a guest of honor at Achuzat Beit HaKerem in Jerusalem and in his address to an economic forum stated “The chareidim are among Israel’s interesting reserves. In past years, we have assisted many chareidi women to enter the workplace. They all like ranting about the chareidim, and there is indeed an insane injustice against them, primarily because of their leadership. I for one am unwilling to look at them a single entity, a problematic group.”

Margalit sees the talent and capabilities, and feels the tzibur can significantly contribute to the national workforce.

“If they enter the Jerusalem marketplace it will be major news. They call me for nighttime meetings with major rabbonim and at the end; I simply share a single word with them, ‘parnasa’.”

Dr. Margalit was a past contender for the Labor Party leadership position.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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