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New Israeli App to Avoid Speeding Tickets

Hebrew University computer science engineering student Yinon Galia has developed a smart phone application that reads upcoming road signs and signals verbally and on the device screen the area speed limit. Yinon was motivated by his own personal need for such an application.

He explains that while traveling abroad he realized the GPS unit gave him erroneous speed readings on more than one occasion, some possibly basing readings on erroneous data. Therefore he saw the need for an app that provides information based on current reality, not on data that may be erroneous or outdated.

It is unclear when the app will be offered to the marketplace and which smartphones it will operate on.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. And this App helps you how? Another stupid thing to be playing with while your car is in motion. Figure out an App that drives for me and then we can talk.

  2. Per #1.

    An app to read the signs? Maybe you should just look out of your window, instead of at a little square, and look at the signs yourself?

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