Councilman Chaim Deutsch Announces New Legislation

Councilman Chaim Deutsch is drafting legislation to clarify parking regulations around schools, in order to free up parking spots during times that school is not in session.

Most public and nonpublic schools have restricted parking spots that indicate “No Parking School Days”. For local residents, there can often be confusion as to when they are permitted to park adjacent to a school. For example, a driver may be unaware if a specific school is in session during the summer, or if a public or nonpublic school is closed on a particular holiday. Deutsch’s bill would simplify this issue by requiring the Department of Education to work closely with other City agencies to compile a publicly accessible list of when every school is in session.

Currently, a motorist wondering about parking around a school is instructed by the New York City website to contact the school directly, or to call 311. However, most schools do not have an active summer office and 311 operators will tell a caller that this information is not available to them. Deutsch’s legislation requires the information to be available online, to 311 operators, and to NYPD traffic agents.

Councilman Deutsch said, “Parking is a constant struggle in New York City and every spot matters. This simple clarification to the rules surrounding each school’s parking regulations will make it easier for drivers to park without worrying about receiving an expensive summons. This bill is another step forward in my ongoing effort to enhance the quality of life of my constituents and all New Yorkers. Increasing parking in my district continues to be one of my top priorities.”

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

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