Greenfield Secures Over $1,000,000 in Funding for Charitable Groups

As a result of his influential role in City Council’s Fiscal Year 2013 New York City budget, Councilman David G. Greenfield was able to secure more than $1,000,000 in direct funding for nearly 100 outstanding charitable and non-profit organizations serving Borough Park, Midwood, Bensonhurst and other neighborhoods throughout Brooklyn and New York City. These funding awards allow these organizations to continue their work on behalf of local residents, and mark the end of a successful budget process that prioritized the needs of middle class New Yorkers, especially seniors, children and families. The budget was approved by the City Council last week following an agreement with Mayor Bloomberg.


One Response

  1. Yep so once again our yeshivos will be get supported by people who openly embrace (and sometimes literally) gay marriage and no one says a word. Just brings more truth to Sholom’s famous words “Hakesef Ya’aneh as Hakol”(money solves everything).
    The yeshivos and “Askanim” should not have a hard time answering why kids go off the derech they are one big hypocrite.

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