Preparations Underway for the Dirshu Siyum HaShas in Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv

In just one month, tens of thousands of Klal Yisrael’s finest will join together in mass celebration to mark the long-awaited Siyum HaShas, a once-in-seven-years gala event paying tribute to lomdei Torah throughout the globe. Across the Jewish world, preparations are underway prior to this momentous occasion.

At Dirshu, the internationally-acclaimed organization promoting Torah study worldwide, tireless action is taking place to orchestrate several major gatherings in locations throughout Eretz Yisrael on the same week. The main Dirshu Siyum HaShas event, hailed as the Kinus Olam HaTorah, will be hosted on Monday, 11 Av in Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv.

Over 10,000 are expected to attend the Dirshu Kinus Olam HaTorah. Honored personages will include Gedolei Hador and Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbanim and maggidei shiurim. Bachurim and avreichim, young and old, deriving from cities across Eretz Yisrael and spanning the spectrum of Orthodox Jewry all number among the devoted participants in Dirshu’s varied study programs. These earnest lomdei Torah who toil diligently in its sacred waters every day of the year now merit the awesome privilege of completing Shas.

The Dirshu Kinus Olam HaTorah guest list encompasses all the above; and special invitations were mailed to each individual adhering to Dirshu’s rigorous learning and testing schedule. In light of the major demand to participate in this noteworthy event, which is centrally-located and constitutes the largest assembly of lomdei Torah celebrating the Siyum HaShas in Eretz Yisrael; Dirshu issued follow-up phone calls to each guest in order to verify attendance and ensure maximal turnout.

Organized, efficient transportation to and from the Kinus is vital to its success and ultimate goal of Kiddush Shem Shamayim. As the finishing touches to this event, Dirshu has chartered 250 buses, dozens of minibuses, as well as private car services to transport over 10,000 guests from across Eretz Yisrael to Yad Eliyahu stadium, free of charge. Buses are being provided by all major Israeli bus companies, with Egged supplying approximately half of the buses, and other companies supplying the rest. In addition to the expansive stadium parking lot, Dirshu has also leased several large parking lots in close proximity to Yad Eliyahu to absorb the hundreds of buses arriving from across the country and allow for neat, orderly parking prior to the event and a swift, systematic departure at the conclusion of the evening

Live broadcasts will be transmitted in real time from the Kinus Olam HaTorah to locations throughout Eretz Yisrael. Special sites have been arranged to accommodate wives and mothers of avreichim and bachurim participating in Dirshu’s Yeshiva study programs. The corresponding women’s gatherings will likewise feature a fascinating program delivered by prominent Rebbetzins and female lecturers.

On the following day, Tuesday, 12 Av, Dirshu will sponsor a second major event on behalf of English speakers participating in one of Dirshu’s varied learning programs. The English-speakers’ Kinus in the International Convention Center in Jerusalem will be addressed by Gedolei Yisrael and lecturers of international repute, some of whom will be arriving from abroad especially in honor of this occasion to strengthen the resolve of lomdei Torah and promote increased learning in Eretz Yisrael. The Dirshu English event will likewise be broadcasted live to women in a special viewing center that will be enhanced by a stirring presentation by renowned English-speaking Rebbetzins.

In a recent survey conducted by Dirshu, it emerges that in the past fifteen years since its inception, over 100,000 Yidden have participated in one of the myriad Dirshu Torah learning programs worldwide! Presently, Dirshu offices are working round-the-clock to create viable solutions that will permit the maximal number of guests to join the celebration of the Kinus Olam HaTorah in Yad Eliyahu, as well as future events that Dirshu will, iy”H, host to honor the Torah and its scholars.

(Moshe Kahana – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. I assume Dirshu’s Monday program in EY will be conducted in Hebrew with an abbreviated Tuesday program in English. This make considerably more sense that having it in Yiddish like the asifah several weeks ago, which was supposed to be a 50/50 balance of Yiddish and English but ended up being heavily skewed towards yiddish only.

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