Ami Goes Inside The Supreme Court For The Obamacare Ruling

Last week, the Supreme Court issued a shocking ruling upholding the Obamacare healthcare law. Obamacare is already making major changes to healthcare in this country and will continue to do so. Conservatives had looked to the Supreme Court to strike down the law and rein in President Obama’s changes to how Americans go to the doctor.

But not only were they disappointed by the Court’s ruling; they were dismayed by the defection of Chief Justice John Roberts, a George W. Bush appointee, to the liberal position. Roberts gave the decisive fifth vote that kept Obamacare from being tossed in the trash.

Ami’s Yossi Krausz went inside the Supreme Court for the ruling. In an article in this week’s Ami, he describes the dramatic way the Justice Roberts announced the Court’s ruling and the reactions of the crowd that had assembled. The article takes the reader inside the workings of the Court and explains the historic and politically charged ruling clearly, with an eyewitness account.

Submitted by: Ami News Desk, NYC

5 Responses

  1. “In an article in this week’s Ami, he describes the dramatic way the Justice Roberts announced the Court’s ruling and the reactions of the crowd that had assembled.”

    This is a bubbe maaisa. No one announced the decision. Reporters were simply given a copy of a printout with the entire decision.

  2. RB- It obviously is. Fortunately, recently YWN started marking advertisements as such. However, every so often one of these gets through without the disclaimer.

  3. Csar says:
    July 5, 2012 at 11:14 am

    Sorry Csar, you’re uninformed and wrong. Since the AP showed photos of the line of people waiting to get into the ruling and Jeffrey Toobin of the New Yorker wrote about what Roberts looked like when he read the opinion, I guess other people believe in the same “bubbe maaisa.” What I don’t understand is why someone comments about something they don’t know.

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