TONIGHT Sh’loshim Kinnus And Siyum HaShas In Memory Of Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz זצ”ל

Many eloquent printed tributes testified to his greatness and to the degree
to which he transformed Jewish life, making Torah knowledge accessible —
and enjoyable — across the world to an unprecedented degree.
Countless people offered consolation during shivah, sharing personal, heart-warming stories.

Respectfully, we invite his many friends and admirers, men and women, to a public

Sh’loshim Kinnus and Siyum HaShas

Gedolei HaRabbanim, who were close to the niftar,

will pay tribute to his accomplishments and memory.

‘ה שרף אשר השריפה יבכו ישראל וכל


Tonight: 2 Menachem Av / Tuesday July 25

Congregation Gvul Yaabetz

1580 Coney Island Ave. (between Aves. L & M), Brooklyn, NY 11230

Minchah 7:15, Hespedim 7:30, followed by Maariv

To watch a live stream:


To listen to live audio dial: 718-557-0505


The Zlotowitz Family

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