Mofaz Speaks Following Plesner Report

The announcement made earlier by MK Plesner  was the first test following Kadima’s inclusion into the coalition government. Regarding Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s decision to dissolve the committee, he called it “an unacceptable unilateral move”.

Mofaz praised Kadima colleague MK Yochanan Plesner for his outstanding work in heading the committee seeking to formulate the nation’s new military draft law.

Mofaz reminded listeners in the live broadcast that he is serving in the security field for over 40 years and during those years has been compelled to make many critical decisions and is therefore quite aware of the realities surrounding the draft and sharing the burden.

The Kadima leader mentioned the effort to demand equal responsibility from all citizens is not aimed at the chareidi tzibur, a tzibur that he knows and respects, but today’s reality compels all citizens do their fare share.

Mofaz called on the prime minister to adopt the report released earlier by Plesner as the groundwork for the new law. He fell short of announcing any ultimatum to break from the coalition government.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. everyone’s talking about “sharing the burden”
    why isn’t anyone talking about the chilonim “sharing the burden” of Torah & Mitzvos?

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