Chief Rabbi Contemplates Kashrus Rating for Hotels

Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Yechiel Metzger wants to give hotels in Israel a kashrus rating similar to the old star system that was used to rate hotel accommodations years ago.

A vaad of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel established criteria for the new rating system. To date, the granting of a hechsher does not really take aspects of a hotel’s operations into account, but the new system seeks to correct this towards providing guests with a clearer picture regarding the hotel’s level of adherence.

According to a Maariv report, a hotel with regular kashrus would receive two stars. A third star would be granted to a hotel that does not permit goyim to play a role in food preparation. A fourth star indicates meats are purchased from a “mehudar” butcher (whatever that means). A fifth star would signal the hotel is shomer shabbos and conforms to halachos of tznius, including the uniforms worn by staff. This would also prohibit using a telephone or playing music in public areas on shabbos.

Maariv quotes “a source in the Rabbinate” as saying granting a star rating is by no means “religious coercion” but rather “a public service” in light of the many kashrus concerns associated with goyim working in a kitchen.

Officials in Rav Metzger’s office explain that at present, they are probing the possibility of implementing the rating system. At present it is unclear if the system will be adopted. The idea is to generate a healthy competitive atmosphere towards attracting more religious Jews to the nation’s hotels while enabling guests to select the level of kashrus and religious atmosphere that best suits their standard.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. sounds great, should also include Cholov Yisroel, and separate hours at reasonable times for swimming and use of the gym, etc.

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