Israel: June Terror Watch

June has seen a sharp increase in the number of attacks: 165 attacks, as opposed to 81 in May 2012. In addition two Sinai-based rocket attacks were perpetrated against Israel (June 16).

The increase was prominent in the attacks emanating from Gaza: 99 attacks in June, compared to 10 in May. This is a result of the recent round of violence, during which 197 rockets and 21 mortar shells were launched against Israel.   On the other hand, a slight drop in the number of attacks was registered in Jerusalem and Yehuda and Shomron, compared to May.

Yehuda and Shomron sustained 48 attacks, as opposed to 50 in May, while Jerusalem faced 18 attacks as opposed to 21 in May.

Two Israelis were killed this month in terror attacks and seven were injured. The fatalities were a security person who was shot dead at the Israel-Gaza border (June 1), and one civilian who was killed by a combined attack at the Israel-Egypt border (June 18).

Four of the casualties, all of whom were security personnel, were injured in Yehuda: one was stabbed (June 4), one was injured by firebombs and stones (June 9), and two were injured by firebombs (June 18). Three others were injured by rockets launched from Gaza.

Data regarding terror attacks in June 2012

Following is a regional distribution of attacks:  

99 attacks in Gaza (10 in May); 48 attacks in Yehuda and Shomron (50 in May); 18 attacks in Jerusalem (21 in May). Sinai 2 attacks (rockets).

Jerusalem, Yehuda and Shomron:

Most attacks executed in June (60 out of 66) were in the form of firebombs (May: 69 out of 71).     Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:   Gaza– 99 attacks: 83 rocket launchings; 11 mortar shell launchings; 3 small arms shooting; 1 explosive device; 1 combined attack.

Judea, Shomron and Jerusalem:

66 attacks: 1 small arms shooting; 1 stabbing; 1 explosive device; 3 grenade throwing; 60 firebombs (18 in Jerusalem). Sinai – 2 rocket attacks.    High-trajectory launchings from Gaza Throughout June 2012, 197 rockets and 21 mortar shells were launched towards Israel, (in 94 attacks), compared to 4 rockets and 2 mortar shells, in May (in 6 attacks).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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