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Is an Alternative to Yated in the Works?

By referring to HaRosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita as “Maran” in the Tuesday, 13 Tammuz 5772 edition, according to the chareidi media in Eretz Yisrael Israel’s Yated Ne’eman Hebrew edition has accepted the current reality despite the anger and courtroom proceedings that surrounded the leadership battle.

The title “Maran” is included in the article addressing efforts to induct avreichim into the IDF and the special message from the Rosh Yeshiva regarding the importance of being mechazeik lomdei torah.

According to a report, the old leadership, those who lost in court are busy fundraising abroad in the hope of launching a new newspaper, apparently to compete with Yated. The fundraisers acting on their behalf in N. America are reportedly using a letter from Maran Rav Shach ZT”L dated Tammuz 5749, in which he calls for support for Yated Ne’eman.

Those involved in the fundraising effort report “the newspaper was stolen away from them” and they are left without alternatives other than launching a new newspaper to provide a forum for “daas gedolei yisrael”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. The Chutzpah of these people is amazing.

    They can join Neturei Karta and the rest who ‘follow’ the ‘Daas Torah’ of the departed rather then the living.

  2. I love how we have a new stream playing the letters game I have a letter saying he said such and such

    Besides I’m for more newspapers means everyone can’t be monolithic and has to find richness

    I disagree with mdshweks

  3. these people who were booted out of yeted deserve what they got. for years they have perverted the news and influenced Torah scholars on how to think and if you did not tow their line, you could be discriminated against.

    We don’t need fascist thinking in Yiddishkeit. Chachmei Yisroel have always argued, but respected each other. the old Yeted has pulled the plug on respect and would tolerate no opposing opinions.

  4. Why you disagree?

    By all means make a lot of newspapers, well, almost all: not by making believe you are the voice of Rav Shach, more than Rav AL Steinman and Rav C Kanievsky…

  5. Having turned against every Jew outside their own insular communities, it was only a matter of time before chareidim turned against their own.

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