New Torah From Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach ZATZAL

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times)

There is nothing like the Torah of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zatzal. And now, a new Sefer has emerged that has gathered all of his sayings, psakim, and Torah – pertaining to Shabbos. It is the third in Rabbi Tubvya Freund’s “Shalmei series.”

Rabbi Tuvya Freund’s father was a Talmid of Rav Shlomo Zalman zatzal. The first two chalakim were often quoted by Rav Ovadiah Yoseph as the authoritative positions of Rav Shlomo Zalman. Rabbi Freund happens to be a Stoliner Chassid, but his family follows the psakim of Rav SHlomo Zalman. The series has been sponsored by Rabbi Moshe Ze’ev Halevi Morris of London, a former student of Rav Shlomo Zalman. This volume was printed on the occasion of his daughter’s wedding. There were 3000 printed of Shalmei Shabbos. 11,000 of the Shalmei Mo’ed were printed.

The Sefer contains Torah from Rav Shlomo Zalman, from both published and unpublished sources. There is over 700 pages of material in the work. The Sefer is filled with incredible nuggets of Torah thought and Psak.

Examples abound:

What is the absolute latest one can do malacha on a Friday before Shabbos? Rav Shlomo Zalman’s answer? 4 minutes before Shkiya (p. 23 from his grandson – Rav Aharon Goldberg shlita).

Diabetics or people with heart conditions that need to carry nitroglycerin tablets – may they carry it with a shinnui on Shabbos if there is no Eiruv? Rav Shlomo Zalman ruled that a] if it is not a reshus haRabbim deoraisah and b] if he does not stop while walking and c] if he is going for a dvar Mitzvah such as davening betzibbur then he may place the pill under his hat wrapped in a tissue.

An adopted child who wants to be called up to the Torah by his adopted father’s name – what is the halacha? Rav Shlomo Zalman answered that it is forbidden. However, if he does not know his real father’s name it is permitted (p.331). he proved this latter point from a Ramban in BaMidbar 26:46 about Serach bas Asher – who was not Asher’s child, but his wife’s.

Bidding for Aliyos: may Maaser money be used? Rav Shlomo Zalman answered yes – but when the maser is initially separated he should make a condition that he plans on doing so.

Someone who receives an Aliyah on Shabbos before the yartzeit – is it preferable to receive maftir or will any Aliyah do? Answer: Maftir is preferable for two reasons: a] There are more brachos recited. B] Tzur Kol HaOlamim is a form of tzadok hadin which is beneficial for the neshama.

What about going into a taxi on Motzai Shabbos with a cab driver who was not frum and did not recite havdallah? Answer: Rav Shlomo Zalman was unsure whether someone who does not keep Shabbos is obligated in reciting havdallah, but to ensure that he not be in violation of Lifnei Iver – he would say Shavuah tov to him upon entering the cab – so that he at least fulfill the biblical Mitzvah (p.575)

If an aino Yehudi that is shomer Shabbos is punished – how did Avrohom Avinu do so? Rav Shlomo Zalman explained that Avrohom Avinu through his apperception of Kol HaTorah Kulah gained extraordinary Kedusha – and with that kedusha one may observe Shabbos. He referenced an Ohr HaChaim in Bereishis 2:3 that throughout history even before the Jewish nation existed there were individuals like Avrohom and Yaakov who kept Shabbos thus keeping the world in existence (page 626).

The sefer is a remarkable addition to the Torah of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and makes a fantastic gift to bring for Shabbos.

Rabbi Auerbach had seven sons and three daughters. His sons are:

Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, a leading authority of the Degel HaTorah political party
Rabbi Ezriel Auerbach, a son-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, and the Rov of Chanichei Hayeshivot in Bayit Vegan
Rabbi Avraham Dov Auerbach, a Rabbi in Tiberias
Rabbi Mordechai Auerbach, the pulpit Rabbi of Avir Ya’akov in Tel Aviv
Rabbi Ya’akov Auerbach, a Rabbi in Beit Shemesh
Rabbi Meir Simcha Auerbach, a posek and Rosh Yeshiva in Betar Illit
Rabbi Baruch Auerbach, published the complete works of Rabbi Yom Tov Algazi, and was killed in an automobile accident in 1999.
Rav Shlomo Zalman’s daughters:

Rachel married, to Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, a leading posek in Israel
Miriam married, to Rav Treger living in Antwerp
Malka married, to Rav Bordiansky

The reviewer can be reached at [email protected]

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