Neturei Karta Delegation Hopes to Meet Egypt’s New President

A Neturei Karta delegation is in Cairo to meet with newly-elected Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi. Yisrael Dovid weiss and Dovid Shlomo Feldman have spent recent days in Lebanon attending an international pro-Arab conference in Beirut. The Neturei Karta delegates presented their view of what the Mideast should be to the participants, which included Hizbullah representatives.

Their hosts provided them with transportation to be mispallel at the tziyun of Zevulun ben Yaakov in Sidon. They asked government officials to begin refurbishing the tziyun and the surrounding area. Lebanese government officials are quoted as responding positively, stating it would be repaired and upgraded and recognized as an official religious site.

From Lebanon the two traveled to Cairo, where they hope to meet with the newly elected Egyptian leader and congratulate him on his success.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. If the Israelis attempt to mass induct Hareidim (which means start closing down yeshivos in a big way), Neteuri Karta will be vindicated and for the first time will have a chance to make the jump from marginal “nutcase” faction to serious “player”. One thing a major political faction has to be able to do is show it can address serious issues, such as relations with the goyim. Similarly, the radical Islamists need to show the ability to work with Jews if they want to be taken seriously.

  2. I am not sure why these thugs are not arrested on aiding and embedding terrorism. Lock these behaimois up for life

  3. They’ll be among the first. Nothing wrong with the visit as long as they make it clear that they represent no one but themselves. I assume that as long as they’re in the area they’ll spend Shabbos with their patron Armidinjad.

  4. Shabbos 31b:

    דרש רבא בר רב עולא מאי דכתיב (תהילים עג) כי אין חרצובות למותם ובריא אולם אמר הקב”ה לא דיין לרשעים שאינן חרדין ועצבין מיום המיתה אלא שלבם בריא להן כאולם והיינו דאמר רבה מאי דכתיב (תהילים מט) זה דרכם כסל למו יודעין רשעים שדרכם למיתה ויש להם חלב על כסלם שמא תאמר שכחה היא מהן ת”ל ואחריהם בפיהם ירצו סלה

  5. The shmatas are called keffiyehs. It used to be a traditional Arab headdress but since the 1960s it is a symbol of the “Palestinian” fight against Israel.

  6. sorry #1, it’s no secret that the israeli govt has big time problems.. but this kind of behavior is NOT warranted in ANY shape or form.. THIS kind of behavior is the reason why the seculars are trying to get us into the army. SHAME on you.

  7. The chareidi draft into the army has nothing at all to do with legitimizing NK. Anyone who falls for an argument like that is welcome to purchase the bridge I happen to have up for sale (check out my ebay auction). Asking someone to serve in the army or a national service program doesn’t legitimize supporting terrorist murders. It’s like saying that because the police ask me not to speed, I somehow have the right to support cop-killing gang members.

  8. let them build a schunah for them in Egypt. These people are so filled with hate against the state that they think it is a mitzvah to be buddies with our enemies. HaShem Y’rachem on their ignorance.

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