Linda Sarsour: The Crybaby Terrorist Supporter

(By: Dov Hikind)

She stands on stage with terrorists and praises them. She Tweets pictures of children throwing rocks and calls it courageous. She celebrates cop killers. She calls for Jihad on the White House. And when she’s called on it, she cries wee, wee, wee all the way home.

This is Linda Sarsour, the crybaby poster child of radical America’s vocal fringe. Self-promoting, self-congratulatory, divisive as they come, and all under the guise of “justice”.

But people are waking up to it, and not just on “the right.” Jake Tapper, Chief Washington Correspondent for CNN, a Progressive if ever there was one, called out Sarsour on her latest radical act, her support of Assata Shakur. Shakur is one of the many aliases of Joanne Deborah Chesimard, a former member of what authorities describe as a “revolutionary extremist organization” known as the Black Liberation Army. She is on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Tapper recognized Shakur as “a cop-killer fugitive in Cuba” and questioned Sarsour’s typical “ugly sentiments.”

Sarsour’s response was predicatble. She’s labeled Tapper a member of the “alt-right”.

If CNN is the “alt-right” where does that leave everyone else?

Anytime anyone calls out Sarsour, points to her radicalism and asks for an explanation, they are immediately labeled a “white supremacist” or an “evil Zionist” or an “alt-righest”. Anytime Sarsour is caught screaming Jihad, it’s because she’s being oppressed as “an unapologetic woman, Muslim, Palestinian.”

No, Ms. Sarsour. It’s not because you are a woman or a Muslim or a Palestinian. It’s because you are an embarrassment. It’s because feminists don’t talk the way you talk about other women. It’s because you are using the real Progressives that you surround yourself with to advance your own personal agenda.

We understand who your enemies are. You tell us all the time. But watching you play the victim card over and over and over again is boring. If you want to play in the big leagues with the major haters you admire, like Louis Farrakhan who you fawned over—and with murderers like Rasmea Odeh who you publicly embraced—it’s time to get a stiff upper lip.

There’s no crying in Radical Jihad.

Dov Hikind is a NY State Assemblyman, a Democrat, representing Brooklyn.
follow @HikindDov

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