Science Minister: Chareidim Must be Drafted

Science Minister Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz, who heads the Bayit HaYehudi party visited the Sucker’s Tent in Jerusalem and strengthen their effort, stating “the chareidim must be drafted”.

The minister told tent organizers that he totally identifies with their call for “sharing the burden” and as such, chareidim must serve in the IDF or an approved national service – that the nation can no longer pull their weight.

The minister used the opportunity to point out that there is a very high percentage of dati leumi soldiers in elite combat units, using this to prove that the world of torah study and learning do not conflict with one another and therefore, a frum Jew may serve, must serve and “share in the burden and contribute to the state”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. “Rabbi” has about as much daas torah as chayim amsalem

    I wonder y u bring these articles
    I also wonder why you never post my comments

  2. “…there is a very high percentage of dati leumi soldiers in elite combat units, using this to prove that the world of torah study and learning do not conflict with one another…”

    The Chazon Ish stated that the Mizrahi compromosiers–the Dati Leumi–are a very great danger for the Chareidi yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, because they will, eventually, sell-out and compromise any and all Torah values to the secular governmanet.

  3. Does this Jewish Anti Semite (yes, I know it sound ironic) know how many of those “dati” soldiers leave the army when they are still “dati”? Apparently not! I heard one stat that approximately only 3 out of 10 soldiers who go in frum, come out frum. ITS ASSIMILATION ALL OVER AGAIN!!

  4. I sure won’t deign give any of the remarks serious attention- just to say that they are all way out false!

  5. As the daughter of a man who fought in the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War and a grandfather who was savagely murdered in the War of Independence – both of them religious men, it is time for the Charedim to pull their weight and defend the country in which they live. It is a shanda beyond shandas to expect chilonim to risk their lives and for them to risk their childrens lives with enemies on all sides while you complain about assimilation. You can talk about Yiddishkeit, but the children of other Jews are at risk defending Israel while you live under the protection of the chilonim – and there is no excuse on earth for it. I hope all Charedim are drafted and learn that what Ben Gurion once said does not apply to now.

  6. To number three: The Dati Leumi community is a great danger to the Chareidi yishuv because they PROVE that you can remain Yirei Shomayim AND do your part for society. I say this as a PROUD resident of a Chardal yishuv which supports Torah learning and maintains a Torah-true environment. My son learns 12-15 hours a day in a Hesder yeshiva.

  7. To number four: You shouldn’t spout bizarre statistics. Here’s the facts: among CHAREIDI boys who join the army, many go off the derech BECAUSE THEY WERE HEADED THAT WAY ALREADY!!!! That’s why they are in the army. Also, because parents don’t want to believe that their son will go off the derech and the only worst case scenario that they can imagine is that their son will chas v’sholom become Mizrahi, they don’t let their boys go to Hesder yeshivot, but rather take a chance with mainstream chiloni units.
    On the other hands, Dati boys are expected to go into the army and come out frum, so they do. They are given a lot of respect and support while they are enlisted – not just from their families, but from the Dati communities. This has encouraged them to stay frum.

  8. These remarks are SHEKER GAMUR! The army is extrememly respectful of a soldiers religious obligations, and the dati leumi soldiers of hesder and mechina make a KIDDUSH HASHEM while serving in the army! Many chiloni soldiers are mekarev in the army BECAUSE of their interaction with these fine frum boys. I personally know of an entire elite unit who learned the laws of lashon hora from one of its religious soldiers and they are careful to only speak with a ‘peh naki”. The only ones who destroy any respect for Torah are the kinds of people who talk because they “heard” some biased charedi propoganda, but have never been to an army base or ever served anyone but their own selfish interests.

  9. Why debate the percentage of good kids who go bad in their army? Anyone who joins their army is bechezkas OTD from day one: eating treif, doing chillul Shabbos, looking at women, etc. r”l.

  10. TO NUMBER 9 im very happy for you that your son is doing so well in a hesder yeshiva ,you should have much nachas. But dont kid your self by burying your head in the sand look around you the huge drop out rate in the dati leumi society there either go charedi or nebech leave it all………..

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