CONFIRMED: Greenfield to Lead New York’s Top Jewish Charity in 2018

YWN has confirmed that Councilman David Greenfield has been asked to lead the top Jewish charity in New York City – the Metropolitan Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty – beginning in January of 2018. Greenfield, who serves as the powerful chair of the Council’s Land Use committee plans on serving out his term to completion through December 31, 2017.

“The Met Council on Jewish Poverty provides vital services to tens of thousands of New Yorkers. It’s direct social services, food distribution, affordable housing programs and network of 19 outstanding Jewish Community Councils are legendary. I was humbled to be asked by the lay-leadership to serve as its next leader and am excited about refocusing this critically important organization to serve our city’s neediest for years to come. I especially appreciate the great leadership of Alan Schoor over the last three years and wish him well on his retirement,” Greenfield told YWN.

Sources told YWN that the board voted unanimously over the weekend to approve the hiring of Greenfield as its next CEO. The appointment is subject to the approval of regulatory agencies.

The Met Council has a combined staff of nearly 200 and an annual budget of over $30 million. It is the only organization in New York City that is dedicated to serving the Jewish poor of all backgrounds from the chasidic communities of Williamsburg to the non-affiliated in the Bronx. The Met Council is perhaps best known for providing millions of pounds of food throughout the year but especially on Passover and Rosh Hashanah to thousands of needy families. The network of nineteen Jewish Community Councils are located in all five boroughs of New York City and together with the Met Council’s central office service thousands of needy New Yorkers each week.

“There is no bigger mitzvah then helping our community’s poor. My goal at the Met Council will be to not only improve the delivery of direct services to the needy but to expand the services so that we can help those who are struggling get out of poverty. Just as important, the Met Council will be a leading voice not just for Jews who need help but for all struggling New Yorkers. Those who are struggling in our city should know that their is a strong voice fighting for them and that is exactly what I hope to do in this role,” Greenfield told YWN.

Councilman Greenfield is uniquely qualified for this role. For the last seven years, Greenfield has represented a district that has more Jews than any other local legislative district in America. He serves not only on the Council’s leadership team but also on the budget negotiating team where he negotiated New York City’s $85 billion budget. Greenfield is the author of 27 laws and numerous initiatives including the $20 million law that provides security guards for yeshivas and non-public schools.

Greenfield is also the founder of the council’s top initiative – NYC Cleanup. This innovative program provides over $10 million in annual funding to hire the formerly homeless to clean the streets and consequently improve the economic development of New York’s neighborhoods.

Greenfield is also leading expert in affordable housing and land use issues. Greenfield’s Land Use committee oversees most of the new affordable housing projects that get built in New York City and he serves as an adjunct law professor at Brooklyn Law School where he teaches zoning and land use law.

Some of the many direct services that the Met Council and its network of JCC’s provide to the community include: food for Shabbos and Yomtov, free handyman services for the elderly, help accessing government benefits and an emergency fund to help those who have suddenly fallen on hard times.

(Charles Gross – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. “Leading expert in affordable housing”

    Where? In Boro Park and Flatbush?! Can you please inform us just where that “affordable” housing is? A young couple gets married and they need an apartment. A 1 bedroom basement with no sunlight for $1500.00 a month is considered affordable? A ground floor 2-3 bedroom apartment for $3,000.00 a month, is affordable?! 4 bedroom with 2 bathrooms for $4,500.00 is considered affordable?! And small little farkvetchteh handyman special, “starter” home for $650,000.00. This is normal? This is affordable?! What exactly makes the good Councilman an expert? Unless you’re talking about people living on Surf Avenue with gorgeous views of the ocean in their rent stabilized buildings.

  2. The Met Council is wll known for having been looted by a previous president. Let’s hope the financial controls have been strengthened. Let me emphasize that I know nothing adverse about Mr. Greenfield’s integrity, but prior management did loot the organization for an extended period of time. This is what happens when management has a reputation for good intentions but no experience with financial controls.

  3. Who will replace Greenfield? I hope some back room deal has not been formulated to put some “chosen” person in the position.

  4. Mazel tov!!!A good man for the job.He is a man who cares and gets things done.He has fought for struggling New yorker for a long time.You should have great success in this leadership role. Mazel tov.

  5. Hopefully Mr. Greenfield is up for this task though much of his recent experience will not/should not guide him. He currently interacts with many less than desirable people and for the most part has remained above it. His leadership is needed more than ever.
    To Frum N Fair word is that a backroom deal has been done and a chosen person (KY) who is very close to the councilman will be his successor

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