Magen David Adom dispatch received a call at 7:12AM Friday morning, 20 Tammuz, stating three persons were injured by gunfire near the Lion’s Gate to the Old City. Three terrorists were killed, but not before engaging in a gun battle that left three policemen wounded, with two in grave condition. They were transported to a trauma center as CPR and advanced resuscitation was taking place.
Investigators are working to piece together the events and Police Chief Roni Alsheich was among the officials seen on Har Habayis after the attack, debriefing border police and commando forces.
It appears the attack began near Lion’s Gate but quickly the venue changed to Har Habayis. The terrorists, armed with Karl Gustav machine guns and a pistol, opened fire and as the accompanying videos show, a shootout followed, a shootout which took place on Har Habayis.
Police ordered gates to the Old City closed as well as Har Habayis. Ultimately, all three of the terrorists were killed. Two of the policemen were transported to a Jerusalem trauma center as CPR was in progress.
The first paramedics on the scene were Yisrael Weingarten and Aharon Adler, of the motorcycle unit, explained “We arrived at the Lion’s Gate, we were escorted in by police, who took us to the wounded soldiers. We began initial treatment of the wounded police, two of whom were in a critical condition. We began advanced resuscitation after a few minutes of treatment on the scene and then transported them to a trauma center. A third wounded policeman had injuries to his neck and limbs. After being treated and stabilized on the scene, he was transported in light-to-moderate/stable condition to a local hospital”.
Police have decided Har Habayis will remain closed. Police are on high alert as Fatah and Hamas have called on Muslims to come to Har Habayis for Friday prayers nonetheless. The police alert pertains to the Old City as well as PA (Palestinian Authority) areas, expecting violence during the prayer hours. Police have also detained Waqf officials who were on Har Habayis when the attack occurred for questioning. One of the questions will be is how automatic weapons and a pistol were brought onto Har Habayis. Magen David Adom has also announced it has raised its operational level in Jerusalem following the Har Habayis attack.
YWN-ISRAEL will continue providing updates on the attack and the condition of the wounded police personnel as it become available.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
One Response
The first video you’ve posted is a MUST watch for all stupid Liberals, both in Israel and elsewhere. I wonder if Netanyahu & Ya’alon will apologize to Elor Azaria and his family for all the defamation. Here it’s clear for the entire world to see, just what these poor downtrodden terrorists do once they are laying on the ground “injured”! How much longer will the entrenched corrupt Israeli government keep trying to pacify the editorial board on the NY Times?! Why haven’t we heard yet from the Russian drunk, Lefty Lieberman? I guess he’s busy arresting Meir Ettinger.