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Romney: My Guess Is They’re Not Sleeping Real Well At The White House’

Mitt Romney jabbed at the White House on Wednesday, suggesting President Obama and his top aides are having a sleepless night ahead of the Supreme Court’s landmark decision on the healthcare law.

“My guess is they’re not sleeping real well at the White House tonight — that’s the way it ought to be,” Romney said of the pending decision during a campaign speech in Virginia.

The Republican presidential candidate called the health care reform legislation “a bad policy that has to go,” and told supporters that if he is elected president, he’ll make sure to get rid of the law even if the Supreme Court upholds it as constitutional.

“This is a decision of whether or not Obamacare is constitutional, whether it will pass constitutional muster, and so we’re all waiting to see what the court will decide,” Romney said. “One thing we already know — it is still bad policy and has to go. And if I’m elected we’re going to repeal and replace it. If, on the other hand, the court strikes it down, well then they’ll be doing some of my work for me.”

Romney went on to rail against the law, arguing that it increased government spending and forced “government bureaucrats between us and our doctors.”

“He’s adding trillions of dollars to federal spending. We don’t need more debt, we don’t need more deficit, we can’t pass along these burdens to the next generation,” Romney said.

The Republican hopeful went on to pledge that he would do everything in his power to gut the act from the White House if it is upheld as constitutional on Thursday.

“For these among many other reasons, whatever the Supreme Court does tomorrow, one thing we know — if I’m elected president we’re going to get rid of Obamacare,” Romney said.

Romney also accused Obama of “moral failure” in pursuing health care reform, rather than focusing his efforts solely on the economic recovery.

“His policies were not focused on creating jobs. They were focused on implementing his liberal agenda,” Romney said.

Returning to his earlier remark, Romney predicted “there’s going to be a lot of sleepless nights in the White House in the next few months.”

“The American people don’t like it, and the more they learn about it, the more they don’t like it,” Romney said.


2 Responses

  1. Actually, Obama probably isn’t too worried. Romney has managed to alienate most Hispanics in spite of them being social conservatives. Romney seems to be comfortable being the un-Obama, a strategy that explains the success of President Dewey (the un-Truman). It’s still early for Mrs. Romney to be measuring the White House for drapes.

  2. I didn’t sleep too well either. I worry that nine (really 5) people who have No worries about the cost or qualioty of their healthcare, are going to decide if the rest of us should have healthcare at all.

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