Brooklyn: Rep. Nydia Velazquez Declared Winner

Representative Nydia M. Velázquez appears to be on her way to an eleventh term in Congress.

Ms. Velázquez easily won the Democratic nomination in the 7th Congressional District, according to the Associated Press, taking a comfortable lead over her nearest opponent, City Councilman Erik M. Dilan, with more than half of precincts reporting.

Her victory represents a triumph over the Brooklyn Democratic chairman, Vito J. Lopez, who threw his powerful political machine behind Mr. Dilan.

“We won because of you,” Ms. Velázquez told supporters in Brooklyn on Tuesday night, describing her victory as one for “progressive and democratic values.”

After remarks from Sheldon Silver, the state Assembly Speaker, Ms. Velázquez repeated her remarks in Spanish. In both speeches, she used the term “party bosses” in English.

(Source: NY Times)

4 Responses

  1. #1
    Is anybody who happens to be more liberal than you are a communist?
    Ms. Valezquez has been one of the hardest working representatives in the house and is a good friend of Israel.

  2. It’s not Obama. It’s not Dilan. It’s not Brooklyn Dem Boss Vito Lopez. It’s the Aroynem sect in Satmar; the one HQ’ed in Orange County New York. They flexed their muscles in this election like never before.

    In the recent past, the Zaloynim (Williamsburg) wing of Satmar outnumbered the Aroynem by a margin of 2-1. 66% to 33%! In this election however the Aroynem, who were on Velazquez’s side, closed the margin to what appears now 46 for them vs. 54 for the Dilan-Lopez side. In one voting location of younger Hasidic voters, the split is 49-51. Considering that turnout overall in this district was very low, the Hasidic Voters are quite a large percent of the final number. They are presenting such a large percent of the overall vote because the Aroynem wing increased their game by huge margins.

    Going forward, candidates of all levels in government will pay their respects to the Aroynem wing of Satmar in Brooklyn because A) they finally have the numbers, and B) their ground game today was orchestrated with real professionalism, and candidates will want to use it for future elections.

    Make no Mistake. The Zaloynim still have votes. They are still a power to be reckoned with in Brooklyn. But the days of giving only lip service and half backed attention to the Aroynem are over. (YG)

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