Jewish Voters Could Very Well Decide House Battle Between Barron, Jeffries

There will be a showdown Tuesday in Brooklyn and Queens, and Jewish voters could end up deciding a hotly contested race for Congress.

Assemblyman Hakeem Jeffries wants to help close the deficit by taxing the rich. He wants immigration reform and affordable health care. Councilman Charles Barron says ditto to that.

But in their heated contest to replace retiring Congressman Ed Towns it is their positions on Israel and the Middle East that may decide the election.

Although the district includes heavy minority communities like Bedford Stuyvesant and Fort Greene, nearly 75 percent of the district is black and Hispanic. It also includes heavily Jewish areas like Marine Park.

The fact that Barron has made some controversial statements about Israel over the years — he once said the government of Israel is “the biggest terrorist in the world” — has caused the Jeffries campaign to make mobilizing Jews one of their priorities

In dealing with Iran’s nuclear threat, Barron said the U.S. can’t threaten to attack.

Besides being a rabid anti-semite, Barron is a well-known racist. He once famously said “nothing would give me greater pleasure than walking down the street and slapping the first white man I see”.

If you want to see if you are eligible to vote in tomorrows election, has a block by block analysis.

With reporting by WCBSTV

5 Responses

  1. It’s not about issues, but a question of who the voters want to represent them in Washington: a 1960’s radical hate mongerer or a rational former Assemblyman.

    I urge all of you living in this redrawn district to take the time to vote tomorrow so that Brooklyn won’t be embarrased by having Charles Baron as part of our Congressional delegation.

  2. Am I the only sane one out there!!!.there is no ideoligical difference between these 2 as they are both radical leftists who want to punish producers in this country.we stand nothing to gain if jeffries wins.however if barron wins it will serve the purpose of embarresing and exposing obama and the dems for who they realy are.we mus votefor barron.why this is not obvious to everyoneis beyond me

  3. #2
    I cannot believe that your hatred of anything less than extreme right wing politics would make you urge fellow yidden to support a rabid anti-semite.
    The goyim have a name for people like you, it is called a judas goat.

  4. Moose, you would call anything short of outright communism “extreme right wing”. Have you ever used “right wing” without the modifier “extreme”?

  5. To moose613, two can play your game.I cannot believe that your hatred of anything less than extreme left wing politics would make you urge fellow yidden to support a rabid anti-american would promote policies that will destroy our country.the goyim have many names for people like you but we would just call you a kafoy tov.

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