Plane Flying Swastika Soars Over Jersey Shore

New Jersey beachgoers were startled over the weekend to see a small plane flying overhead pulling a swastika banner.

Twitter was abuzz with tweets from people who saw the plane fly over Long Beach Island on Saturday afternoon.

The group behind the flight says it wasn’t meant as a representation of hate. The International Raelian Movement says the swastika is actually a symbol of peace and beauty that was corrupted by Nazis in 20th century Germany.

On its website, the group writes that the flight was part of its third swastika rehabilitation day.

(Source: Huffington Post)

3 Responses

  1. If you take a really good look you’ll see the swastika is superimposed on, of all things, a magen David. Since the swastika is in the foreground and therefore dominant it makes it look as though we’re being trampled yet again. Despite their claims to the contrary, this is an anti-Semitic banner/message and should be treated as such. ADL, where are you?

  2. The Raelians are a 40 year old religion that believes aliens from UFO’s created man. I wouldn’t take their airplane banner too seriously, and I don’t think they have a lot of followers.

  3. #1, there is nothing antisemitic about it. Both the mogen dovid and the swastika are ancient symbols that have been used by all people, and there’s no reason for these newage nuts not to use them.

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