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N.J. Senate Passes Bill Doubling Penalty For Texting While Driving

Drivers would have to put down the phone or face stricter penalties for talking or texting while driving under a bill that passed the state Senate today.

The bill (S69) would double the fine from $100 to $200 for a first offense, and increase it to $400 for the second offense and $600 for a third. Third and subsequent offenses would carry three point penalties on driver’s licenses. And after the third time they’ve been caught, a judge can decide whether to suspend a driver’s license for 90 days.

It passed 38-0.

The collected fines would be dedicated to a public education program to inform motorists of the dangers of texting and driving.

An identical bill in the Assembly has not advanced, although the lower house last week passed a bill that would allow driving while talking or texting with a handheld phone to be considered reckless. Under that bill (A1074), if a drivers kill or serious injures someone while violating the law, he could face vehicular homicide or assault charges.

(Source: NJ Star Ledger)

2 Responses

  1. This is the most wonderful piecce of legistlation passed in a long time. Now maybe there will be a lot fewer accidents with fewer fatalities. Good going.

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