Terrorist Attack in Gush Etzion – ‘T’ Junction [UPDATED 1:02PM IL]

12:31PM IL: Preliminary: Terror attack in the area of ‘T’ Junction in Gush Etzion, located on the road between Efrat and Tekoa. There appear to be injuries. More to follow.

12:35 IL: It appears there was a vehicular ramming attack and then the terrorist got out of the vehicle and tried to stab soldiers at the checkpoint. The terrorist has been neutralized. One soldier was wounded.

12:39 IL: B’chasdei Hashem, the wounded soldier’s condition is reportedly light.

1:02PM IL: MDA reports the wounded soldier’s condition at the time of transport was moderate/stable.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo: Media Resource Group)

2 Responses

  1. Tertorist is dead. Injuries that are graded light to moderate have been reported on israeli news as a number of broken bones. But, yes, chasdei aH’.

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