Another Jerusalem Child Attacked

Following up on reports of increased attacks against children in frum areas of Yerushalayim released earlier this month, there appears to have been another attack, against a 15-year-old chareidi female.

The victim was on her way to school in the Beis Yisrael neighborhood when assaulted by a male dressed in chareidi garb. She told her teacher of the attack when she arrived at school, appearing shocked and in pain. The principal notified the victim’s parents immediately.

According to Kikar Shabbat, quoting a family member of the victim, the attacker came out of an alleyway in the neighborhood. The victim explained he looked chareidi but she did not recognize her. He attacked her and fled.

It appears family members feel that since she is unable to identify the attacker, it is pointless file a complaint with police.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


8 Responses

  1. Always report an attack (or any crime), if nothing else it points to an area that needs increased patrol. Are they waiting for broken bones c’v when police will be involved anyway?

  2. Definitely report it. Here’s how they catch the guy. They take DNA evidence now, and then when the guy gets arrested a few weeks from now for exposing himself or molesting someone else, they connect him back to this incident as well. Or maybe he tells his friend about what he did, and that friend decides to turn him in to the police. They match the DNA and nail him. Many other scenarios too. Not reporting is a very bad idea – unless of course the incident did not actually happen.

  3. Where do you hear about all of these attacks? I’ve been telling my Israeli neighbors about these reports and they say that none of them were reported on any Israeli media.
    Have you verified that they are not rumors?

  4. You report it so the police can help you identify the person maybe from sketches or photos they already have, or so that the victim can help them make a sketch.

  5. The family hopes that if there is no police report, people will eventually forget about the incident and the shiduch possibilities of their daughter will not be effected. Whether this is true or not is irrelevant, that is what many people believe.

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