Jewish Group Sponsors Ads & Mailings Warning that Anti-Semite Barron Could Be Elected To Congress

An influential Jewish group, the Sephardic Community Federation (SCF), sponsored full page ads in several Jewish publications this weekend explaining that anti-Semite Charles Barron is surging in his race for Congress and may win unless everyone who wants to stop this anti-Semitic and anti-Israel politician comes out and votes against him. According to a Federal Election Commission filing, SCF spent $16,000 to get the message across in full-page newspaper advertisements and sent over 10,000 mailers with a similar message to the communities of Brighton Beach, Canarsie, Coney Island, Crown Heights, Marine Park, Manhattan Beach, Mill Basin, Marine Park, Manhattan Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Seagate & Coney Island.

The Sephardic Community Federation is the umbrella government relations and public policy organization of the Sephardic Jewish community. They are widely considered to be one of the most politically savvy and effective Jewish advocacy groups in New York State. SCF is well known for their laser-like focus on supporting elected officials who support yeshivas and for opposing elected officials who oppose the State of Israel.

YWN encourages all of our readers who live in the above neighborhoods to exercise their right to vote this Tuesday, June 26th. Polls open at 6am and close at 9pm in this important Primary Election.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. How many people are sitting there saying “oy vey, what can we do?” Well make sure you go out and vote on Tues. Don’t wait until Wed. morning to say say “takeh I see my vote would have made a difference.”

  2. Manishma is right. We MUST vote against Charles Barron this Tuesday. Kudos to the Sephardic Federation for fighting this fight!

  3. Manishma and Ferd, not everyone is eligible to vote in that primary. Most of us don’t live in that district, and of those who do some are not Democrats.

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