English Siyum HaShas Yerushalayim

Preparations are underway around the world for the upcoming siyum hashas. The main English siyum in Yerushalayim’s will be held in Binyanei Ha’uma, also known as the Jerusalem Convention center. The guest speaker will be HaRav HaGaon Aharon Feldman Shlita.

The event will take place on Sunday, 17 Av 5772. Doors will open at 16:30 to permit participants to take advantage of a number of exhibits. The siyum itself promises to commence at 19:00 sharp.

For reservations and additional information one may email [email protected] or call 02-651-5004.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I don’t understand. If this is talking about the “Main Siyum Hashas” what is the FREE event taking place on July 31 at Binyanei Ha’uma? Why would someone pay money and go to this second Siyum Hashsas that is also in Yerushalayim at Binyanei Ha’uma? Why couldn’t there just be one event? Am I missing something?

  2. Here is the information about the other event:

    On Tuesday, 12 Av/July 31, Dirshu will be holding a siyum tailored for English speakers at the Binyanei Haumah Convention Center in Yerushalayim, the largest center in Yerushalayim. Venerated English-speaking Torah giants including Hagaon Harav Yosef Sitruk, former Chief Rabbi of France who was instrumental in bringing a teshuvah revolution to French Jewry, as well as Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Scheiner, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Kaminetz Yeshiva, and Hagaon Harav Simcha Hakohein Kook, shlita, Chief Rabbi of Rechovot, as well as numerous others will address the event.

    After that event too, buses will bring the massive crowd to the immense, open-air Daf Hayomi Siyum HaShas in a large park in the French Hill neighborhood co-sponsored by Dirshu and Agudat Yisrael of Yerushalayim.

    Additionally, there will be a simultaneous women’s English program in an adjacent, separate hall at Binyanei Haumah. That event will feature live video of the event with separate programming. One highlight will be an address by the consummate educators and internationally acclaimed speakers, Rabbanit Tzipporah Heller and Rabbanit Yitty Neustadt.

  3. Ruchi’s question is a good one: Why couldn’t there be one event?

    The Dirshu event is advertised as primarily for Dirshu program participants.

    The other event is the one put together, by the makers of the Siyum Hashas 7 years ago, for the general English-speaking public. Many Dafyomi organizations are sponsoring that Siyum (Aug 17). Last time, it was a truly amazing experience for anyone who went there — well worth the money paid for a ticket.

    But the question still isn’t answered. Why couldn’t the two groups join forces and bring more Achdus to the Jewish people?

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