PHOTOS: An Epic Occurrence: 3 Adult Brissim At BJX

“I just wanted the honor of shaking their hands,” said a middle-aged man.

“In all my years of my work on behalf of Klal Yisroel, I’ve never come anywhere near the dedication and sacrifice of these three young men who were circumcised today. These three men are heroes and role-models for the entire Am Yisroel. BJX is doing for the community what no one else has accomplished,” said Mr. Shlomo Werdiger, legendary askan, Chairman of Agudath Israel, and CEO of Outerstuff.

“It was due to the support and guidance we received from Rabbis Fingerer and the amazing BJX shul community that we were able to proceed with this,” said Alex, now Moshe, one of the nimolim.

Rav Binyomin Eisenberger, shlita, speaking at the seudah said, “The mesiras Nefesh of these three young men is amazing. Yishmael criticized Yitzchok Avinu that he didn’t make a conscious choice to have a bris. Therefore Yitzchok asked for a Nisayon and had Akeidas Yitzchok. These three young men had the zechus of choosing to have their bris, despite the pain.”

Rav Moshe Yitzchok Fischer, Rosh HaYeshiva of Derech HaTalmud and Rav of Beis Yeshaya said at the seudah, “My Rebbi, Rav Aharon Kotler said in the name of Rav Shimon Shkop that the Geulah will come in the merit of emulating Avraham Avinu’s activities of Kiruv.”

How fascinating that like Avrohom Avinu, three young Brooklyn professionals from secular Jewish families made a holy pact together and decided to have a full surgical bris on the same day. Rav Yitzchok Fingerer and his brother Rabbi Moshe do the Avodah of Avrohom Avinu; bringing others tachas kanfei haShechina through ahavas chesed and ahavasha Torah. These young men had complete Emunas Chachomim, pure faith and confidence in their Rabbis to proceed with the milah. Their rabbis did their part, consulting with a slew of physicians in advance of the milah, as well as having physicians on call.

“I felt intense spirituality and a deep connection to Hashem after my bris,” shared one of the nimolim. Later at the elegant Seudas Mitzvah held in the beautiful Young Israel of Avenue K ballroom one of the guys admitted that it wasn’t exactly a painless procedure. “The pain killers are helping”, he shared. The bris was performed under the expert auspices of Rav Aschkenazi and team. Mr. Ralph Herzka, legendary askan and world renowned Torah supporter was Sandak at the Bris. Mr. Herzka said, “These three guys are incredible. I wish I had their zechus.”

Mr. and Mrs. Yanky Feurizen dear friends of BJX, sponsored last night’s remarkable Seudas mitzvah. “Yanky was meticulous to make sure everything was perfect. He did it out of love. We are extremely grateful,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, Co-Founder and director of BJX .

“This was epic, truly an unbelievable experience. I’m not sure how BJX accomplishes these miracles,” said one Flatbush woman.

Dovid Herzka, Avrami Liebermann, Sruli Werdiger, Mordechai Jaffa, and Moshe Dov Stern surprised Klal Yisroel’s heroes and presented them with various gifts including their own pairs of Tefillin.  “We are very appreciative to the community for coming together and making what we do possible,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer.

“I’ve never witnessed anything like this. BJX is strengthening our community, bringing the distant closer. Perhaps those who already close are gaining even more. The Rav and Rabbi Moshe Fingerer are accomplishing the impossible,” said Avrami Liebermann.

“I never in my life attended something like this. This was remarkable- maybe once in a lifetime. I strongly feel that everyone has an obligation to support the work of BJX,” said Mr. Chaim Moser, a mispallel at the BJX Beis Medrash.

Rav Moshe Rosengarten, Rosh Kollel, Brisk Yerushalayim; Rav Chanoch Posy, Rov, Shaar HaShomayim; Rav Dovi Milstein, Rov of Kollel Hashechuna, Rav Shneur Burton and Rav Moshe Winner came to be mechazeik these heroes.

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