150 Chareidim Protest Chilul Shabbos

A mere 150 residents of Meah Shearim took part in the weekly shabbos anti-chilul shabbos protest. Perhaps the summer heat is taking its toll or according to some, the mashgichim taking part to maintain order distance some would-be participants who prefer a more confrontational event.

No arrests were made this shabbos but reports indicate many of the protestors were verbally abusive to police. Two chilonim who sprayed protestors with water as they drove by the Jerusalem protest were arrested by police for their provocative act. There were no reports of injuries.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. Instead of protesting, use the time in Limud Hatorah or at least volunteer to learn with a “chiloni” brother. Be productive. What “toeles” is there in protest? Some common sense please.

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