Marn Rav Shteinman: Limud Torah Protects Eretz Yisrael

“Every yeshiva student learning torah protects Eretz Yisrael as the torah protests and saves — and we may not compromise on a single talmid and therefore, we must act with the utmost determination against the terrible gezeira that has been decreed against the olam hatorah”, HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita is quoted as saying.

According to the HaMevaser report, the gadol hador has stressed there cannot be any discussion of compromise on this issue, and the current seder yom must continue as it is without changes.

The rav is calling on chareidi leaders not to participate in any way with the Plesner Committee, the Knesset committee formulating the new regulations that will compel chareidi draft and national service.

The rav adds that the tzibur must increase tefilos and tachanunim to arouse ‘Rachmei Shomayim’ towards being spared from this horrific gezeira.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. In other words, the blood of some Jews is worth more than the blood of other Jews. Those Jews who are not holding by learning are expected to put their lives on the line in the army and risk death and are not protecting other Jews, while those sitting in yeshivas being protected by them are doing all the protecting of the ones who are risking being killed.

    Can anyone explain to me the logic of this approach? Where in the Torah does it say that people who are not holding by learning should risk their lives while those not risking their lives are doing the protecting and have blood that is more red than the others??

  2. Why did Yidden actually join the battle during Mikdosh Rishon?
    No learning, no kollel. But real battling with swords and bow and arrows.

  3. NotSoNiceJew, is everyone supposed to be a combat soldier? What proportion of any army risks its life? Quite a small one; the US Army has a higher proportion than most, because it contracts out for so many services, but even there the majority of personnel are not combat troops. So would you say that the blood of a computer programmer, or of a quartermaster, whose lives are no more in danger than that of a yeshiva bochur, are “worth more” than those of combat troops?! Nobody would be that silly. What about commanding officers, who sit far from the front and direct things; is their blood worth more? Again nobody would be so silly. So if you acknowledge (as you claim to, but I don’t believe you really do) that the Torah learners protect the whole army, and without their learning the army cannot have any success, how can you ask whether their blood is “worth more”?

    Taking a learner from his gemoroh is exactly the same as taking a tank mechanic from his post; if you give the tank mechanic a gun and send him into the trenches the tanks will break down and be useless. And if you stop or reduce the learning, then אם ה׳ לא ישמר עיר שוא שקד שומר.

    The gemoro explicitly says in more than one place that talmidei chachomim must not be drafted, and that without their learning the army will fail. אילמלא דוד לא עשה יואב מלחמה ואילמלא יואב לא עסק דוד בתורה

  4. Ader, what on earth are you talking about? Since when was there no learning and no kollel? On the contrary, Dovid sat and learned Torah while Yoav fought his battles. אילמלא דוד לא עשה יואב מלחמה ואילמלא יואב לא עסק דוד בתורה

  5. #1, actually, if all the men were sitting and learning there wouldn’t be a need for anybody to put their lives on the line.

  6. Your opinion as compared to that of the gadol hador has no more worth then that of a squirrel’s. thats the first thing to keep in mind. you wouldnt question a top surgeon on his approach to a complicated surgery. you should understand this in the same way. you are both out of your league.

  7. and btw ader, you say “no learning, no kollel”, this is absolutely false. Ayen Megilla Daf 3, that Yehoshua’s army was punished since they didn’t learn when it wasn’t time for battle.

  8. Make an army that those who are devoted to Torah can join without compromising their religious standards, and they will flock to it.

  9. If sitting and learning saves klal yisroel in times of war then sitting and learning saves Meah Shearim when they disagree with the government – why protest? Sit. Learn. Daven. and the govt will crumble and succumb to your needs….why the need to protest?

  10. To Millhouse regarding Dovid’s learning:

    I never saw that in any of the Pesukim. The most important aspect of the Battles is ‘Choser Min Hasefer’?.

    Dovid didn’t always go into actual battle because he was the King.

  11. #5, that isn’t true either. Someone has to fight. אילמלא יואב לא עסק דוד בתורה. Even if ה׳ ישמר עיר we still need a שומר. But not everyone is shayach to learning full time, and those who aren’t should serve in other ways, such as fighting.

  12. ader, you sound like a “tzedduki”, who takes everything from Torah Sh’Bichtav at face value, w/o looking at what Chazal say.

  13. TO: kitzur_dot_net says:

    But how do you explain hundreds of wars described in the Tenaach, and the most important ingredient is not mentioned anywhere.

  14. #9, there is a חובת מחאה. It’s an open halacha that when one sees wrongdoing that one can’t prevent, one must protest it. But ein hochi nami, yeshivah bochurim should not be at such protests; they have a more important job. Protests are for ballebatim.

    Ader, what difference does it make what’s in the pesukim? Do you dispute the Gemoroh, ch”v?

    The fact is that we don’t base any practical decisions on Torah Shebichsav; in a real sense the gemoroh, not the Tanach, is our real “bible”.

  15. TO: Milhouse says:

    Ein Mikroh Yoitze Miedei Pshutoi.

    L’Havdil the Kat Hanoitzrim squeeze their Oisoi Ho’ish, into the Psukim all over Tenaach; They took the Sefer Yeshayu and Zecharyeh and slanted them in a way, that the Pesukim should only be talking about, him.
    And then they say that the “plain” Psukim have no relevance.

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