Israel: Social Justice Demonstrators Target Banks & Turn Violent

It’s been a year since last summer’s ‘cottage cheese’ protests and it appears the arrival of summer is accompanied by a renewal of the so-called ‘social justice’ protests in Israel.

The motzei shabbos event in Tel Aviv last night, the eve of 4 Tammuz 5772 was accompanied by unprecedented violence. This was also the scene in the protest on erev shabbos. Participants smashed bank windows, blocked streets and confronted police. Eggs were hurled at City Hall and in one case, protestors entered a bank after smashing the window and they took up position in their tent, in the bank lobby. The demonstrators succeeded in blocking a section of Ayalon Highway for about a half hour

Police estimate 3,000 people took part in the stormy protest and 85 arrests were made. At least five banks were damaged. At least one city bus was commandeered by police to cart of the detainees. At least 13 arrests were made in Friday’s protest.

According to the demonstrators, it began on Friday, accusing police of using unjustifiable violence against them, including one who stated cops broke his nose.

Tel Aviv Police Chief Aharon Aksol explains that when he arrived on Ibn Gvirol Street the scene was one of violence and a far cry from an organized social equality protest. Aksol explains officers did their utmost to refrain from using force but once protestors begin hurling eggs and smashing windows, a response is required.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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