PHOTOS: Greenfield Works Through the Night to Ensure Power is Restored in Boro Park

Councilman David G. Greenfield (D-Brooklyn) worked into the morning on Friday to make sure that Con Edison adequately responded to the power outage that plagued thousands of Borough Park residents, businesses and schools for much of the day and night beginning Thursday afternoon. After several blocks of 50th Street between 13th Avenue and 15th Avenue lost power, Greenfield immediately contacted the Mayor’s office and Con Edison officials to make sure the utility company was reacting quickly to the situation. As the night progressed into morning, Greenfield updated residents from the scene via his Twitter handle, @NYCGreenfield, and on his weekly radio appearance on the Nachum Segal show. Greenfield arranged for cooling buses to be brought to the scene to provide some measure of relief for those residents without power.

Throughout the night, Greenfield was in contact with the NYPD, FDNY, Office of Emergency Management and Con Edison officials, and was joined late into the night by Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein. Greenfield drove around the district with Mr. Perlstein and Greenfield aide Beri Spitzer until 3:30 a.m. to make sure that every block that lost power was being worked on and that power was restored as soon as possible. When the group reached 14th Avenue and 43rd Street they found Korn’s Bakery struggling to keep up Challah production for Erev Shabbos due to the blackout. Korn’s was assisted by several groups including Misaskim, which provided a generator to help keep the Challahs baking.


2 Responses

  1. Do you realize believe that the activities of a politician affect power supply. Does he dig down to reach underground cables? Does he climb poles? Utilities get in big trouble (meaning pay big fines, and risk losing their franchise) if they do other than move as fast as possible to restore power. Running such an article, other than as a paid advertisement, undermines YWN’s credibility as a news source.

  2. Greenfield is a real metsch. The world would be a better place if all politicians had the same sense of achrayis as he does. Kol Hakavod and keep it up!

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