MK Ariel Trying to Unite Chareidi Knesset Parties

Speaking with Kol Chai Radio’s Noam Zeigman on Thursday evening, MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Uri Ariel explained his party is working to actualize a united front between Shas and Yahadut HaTorah regarding the Plesner Committee’s work to draft a substitute Tal Law. Ariel explained that after all, the chareidim and hesder yeshivot are the most likely to be impacted by the new law.

Ariel explained that he and his colleagues are planning to meet with chareidi MKs in the coming days in the hope of establishing a united front, a unified position regarding the new Tal Law.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. amazing the charediem just do not want to do there fair share for society do they really think they are so special

  2. Peakman, charedim are not special, and there is no exemption for charedim. Bnei Torah are special, no matter whether they’re charedi or DL or any other kind of frum, and the gemoroh says they must not be drafted. Their Torah is their “fair share”.

  3. To #2 peakman (and anyone else who sees merit in what he said):

    ‘Kol haposel, bemumo hu posel’ the gemara tells us that when someone comes to criticise someone else, the criticism he chooses to level is the exact shortcoming he himself suffers from – the Torah observant community in Eretz Yisrael, as the primary fulfillers of Torah and mitzvot in the land, are in fact not only pulling their share but the share of others too!! Our existence and thriving (or challila lack thereof) in the world – and even more so in the Holy Land – is 100% dependant on our keeping Torah and mitzvot – those who keep it, contribute to our physical (and spiritual!) security, those who do not, don’t!

    The Torah DOES NOT say anywhere that our security is dependant on the number of people serving in army – how much more so when that very army can bring a person AWAY from Torah and mitzvot!! Either you believe the Torah or you don’t!

  4. peakman, charedim actually are special. Very special. Most of them learn Torah which is very dear to Hashem. That’s why they are special. They carry a heavy burden. It’s called ohl Torah, the yoke of Torah. I suspect you are not doing your share in this national endeavor. If that’s true, shame on you!

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