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Update on HaGaon HaRav C. Greinman

On Tuesday, YWN-ISRAEL reported that HaGaon HaRav Greinman was hospitalized. An update was received on Thursday, stating there is an improvement in the rav’s condition.

Officials at Tel Hashomer Hospital report the rav’s condition has stabilized and he is breathing on his own. The rav is aware of his surroundings and the rav gave a bracha to his son Moshe who married off a daughter earlier in the week in Bnei Brak.

Doctors on Thursday expressed optimism that the rav would be taken out of intensive care before shabbos.

The tzibur is asked to be mispallel for Chaim Shaul ben Tzviya b’soch sh’ar cholei yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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