PHOTOS: Baltimore Yom Shel Kulo Torah

Harav Nachman Levovitz, Rosh Yeshiva, together with Rav Moshe Ahron Friedman and Rav Meir Tzvi Shpitzer, Maggidei Shiur of the Mir visited the city of Baltimore on Sunday, June 18th. Dedicated as a Yom Simchas Libeinu – a special community-wide Day of Learning and Celebration, the day’s events were truly a “local” extension of the main Bicentennial Celebration held in the Bellworks Building in New Jersey before Pesach. During the preceding Shabbos of Chizuk, the spirit of the Mir was all over the city as Rav Nachman, along with Rav Moshe Ahron Friedman and Rav Meir Tzvi Shpitzer spoke in many shuls and were very warmly received. Despite the humid weather, people were running from one shul to another in order to hear as many derashos as possible.

On Sunday morning, Rav Meir Tzvi gave a halacha shiur at Rav Eichenstein’s shul; he also gave a women’s shiur, which many of his former seminary talmidos attended. At 2:00 in the afternoon there was a light lunch, followed by Mincha, and then the Yarchei Kallah began. After the opening shiur by Rav Meir Tzvi on the topic of mitzvas assei she’hazman grama, a large crowd sat down to learn b’chavrusa, and a fantastic Kol Torah filled the room. Following the learning session, Rav Moshe Ahron gave a shiur that wove together the lomdus as well as the practical application of the sugya. It was a highly interactive shiur, with people asking many questions.

Although many in the community were very busy that Sunday with personal simchos and obligations, they made sure to find the time to attend the evening reception. It was a beautifully arranged event, with all of the rabbanim and communal leaders participating. Rav Sheftel Neuberger, Menahel of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel – a talmid and a parent – addressed the crowd. Rav Nachman, Rosh Yeshiva delivered a drasha, followed by the guest speaker,
Harav Uren Reich, a renowned Rosh Hayeshiva and gifted orator, who is a parent in the Mir and sends many of his tamidim to learn there. Ein lanu shiur rak haTorah hazos, Rav Reich stressed to the audience; Torah has always been the focus of our lives, and we should make sure it continues to be that way.

In addition to their concern with the Yeshiva’s financial burden, the greater Baltimore community also feels a vibrant ruchniyus connection with the Yeshiva. This is evidenced by the significant Baltimore contingent that attended the Bellworks event. Throughout Shabbos, rabbanim in shuls all over the town, spanning the entire diverse spectrum of Baltimore’s kehillos, introduced the rebbeim very warmly by stressing the Yeshiva’s impact on the city. Many Baltimore residents participate in the annual Yarchei Kallah in Yerushalayim.


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