Eida Calls to Escalate Shabbos Protests

Eida Chareidis officials are calling to escalate protests against chilul shabbos as bein hazmanim approaches, Chadrei Chareidim reports.

This week, the Eida is calling for stepped-up protests against the operation of the Karta parking lot by City Hall, apparently due to city-sponsored events on erev shabbos that continue close to candle lighting. The Eida feels these events undoubtedly result in increased chilul shabbos as well.

Pashkavilim in Meah Shearim and the surrounding area accuse the city of not only trampling Kedushas Shabbos by operating the parking lot on shabbos, but now adding events that are “obscene and pritzisdik  R”L”, and at times, these events continue into shabbos. The pashkavilim speak of the “obligation and mitzvah” to decry the chilul shabbos and to stand firm for the glory and kedusha of the holy city.

The notices also remind the tzibur that bochrim, women and children are not to participate. In addition, the protest is not to last more than 30 minutes and without violence. There will be mashgichim on hand to maintain order.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I feel bad saying this but people should know that these ‘protests’ are not lishmah. They are purely political.

    If people want to stop chillul shabbos they should adopt a Chabad, Aish or NCSY attitude and invite non frum people to their shabbos tables. Throwing rocks and acting like complete chayas, has never and will never increase Torah observance!

    Good shabbos

  2. Where will this lead? More anti-Torah feelings and seperation between Yiddim. Besides that many Police officers that are called to combat the riots are YIDDIM.

  3. Yes I agree but the city is involve and only but totally blocking the roads will they get the message. They are going against the status quo

  4. Right now there are two major issues on the political table, recognition of reform rabbis and the draft.

    By antagonizing the secular the “chareidim” are just making it worse.

    If they continue to antagonize them the chilonim may actually unite for a change and not only allow public buses in Tel Aviv, but also in Yerushalayim and elsewhere.

  5. Baruch Hashem these True Torah Jews are escalating their Shabbos protests. Any true Torah-loving Jew knows that this is all rooted in our tradition.

    Rav Yirael Meir Kagan was famous for throwing rocks on Shabbos at people who rode their horse on Shabbos. Didn’t he say in his famous sefer, the Chafetz Chaim, that you are permitted to say loshon hara about other Jews who are being mechalel Shabbos? Because, it’s well-known that saying loshon hara about them will bring them closer to Hashem & prevent them from being mechalel Shabbos in the future.

    Rav Yosef Karo, in the Shulchan Aruch, describes at length the importance of chanting “Shabbes, Shabbes” in the streets of one’s community in order to make sure that those who are being mechalel Shabbos become aware of their mistake. He expounds on this to say that obviously the person who was riding his horse to the local soccer game just didn’t realize it was Shabbos – now that you’ve informed him, he will surely put down his beer, leave the ball game & run to catch a late Maariv.

    By the way, some Kabalistic sources hold that one should yell “Shabbes” three times and alternate this with “Pritzus” and “Sheigitz” three times. I think there’s some kind of alternating formula that they offer – kind of like with blowing shofar.

    Even a cursory reading of the famous Gemara in Mesechta Baba Meisa will show you that HaRosh Yeshiva Moreh D’Asra Maran Posek HaDor HaGadol HaDor HaRav HaGaon v’HaKadosh HaGaavad Moshe Rabbeinu, Shlita taught us that the only productive way to solve problems in the true Torah way is to block the roads so that the camels become grid-locked. Tosfot on that Gemara notes that an acceptable alternative is to plaster pashkavillim & grafitti across the sides of the donkeys that are parked in the parking lot next to the stadium. Surely this will improve all of our d’veikus to Hakadosh Baruch Hu!

  6. Unfortunately, these very poorly controlled riots are ruining it for the vast majority of frum Jews in Israel. The demostrators are mostly crazy, yelling absurd and derogotory remarks to the police and are looking to instigate a fight. NOT the way of Bnei Torah. The press is great at picking out the real nut jobs and that is what is publicized.
    I truly believe that the average Israeli Jew does not hate any religious person, but after the insane events of Bet Shemesh, spitting on a young girl and the Meah Shearim parade dressing their kids as concentration camp victims, the sane, Ohaiv Yisrael, not yet religious, Jew had enough.
    As long as these demonstrations continue, the anti religious elements have fuel for their fire, and a very captive audience to vote against anything that might help frum Jews.
    Its got to stop

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