Fire In The Barditchev Shul In Lakewood [PHOTOS]

A fire broke out in the Barditchev Shul in Lakewood on Tuesday evening.

The Lakewood Fire Department was on the scene at around 7:00PM at the “Barditchev Kloiz”, located at 75 Birch Street.

The fire was extinguished quickly before it caused any serious damage.

There were B”H no injuries reported.

In a past interview on the radio, Rabbi Shlomo Perr the Rav of Berditchev Shul described his Shul:

“We are not different than any other shul every shul is unique and people are attracted to the shul based on its charachter, In particular Barditchev is unique as we try to create an atmosphere of Joy and simcha we have a nice mix of youngeleit and Bochurim from BMG, Rebbeim, colored shirts, shtreimlich, Pony tails, everyone feels at home and we create a welcoming feeling because you come to daven and be with us in shul. All shuls are welcoming and people feel comfortable but here we are shaveh lechol nefesh. Thursday night tehillim for shidduchim, there is a good feeling throughout the week. A very Geshmakeh place.”

(Charles Gross – YWN)

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