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Storobin Brings Top Brooklyn Education Issues to Albany

Senator David Storobin has brought to the forefront in Albany issues facing south Brooklyn. The Senator sponsored legislation this week to help special needs students (S7703) and to allow for school vouchers and state-aid to religious schools. Currently, special needs’ students transportation can be prohibitively expensive to private schools and the New York State Constitution has an outright ban on school aid to religious schools – the repeal will of this will also allow for school vouchers.

“Our special needs children deserve equal education to that of their fellow students.” Senator Storobin said. “The fact is we need to do more to help schools and parents of special needs children with their specific transportation needs. These children deserve the best and their schools deserve as much compensation as we can provide them for the cost of transportation.”

The Senator has taken steps to further the cause of private education, as many of the residents of south Brooklyn require a private religious education. “There should be equal protection under the law for religious schools.” stated Storobin. “Our religious schools should be able to receive the same state-aid given to non-religious institutions, this also would allow for school vouchers for the needy of south Brooklyn.”

The Senator called on the leadership to take these issues to the floor in this last week of session “We need to get these bills passed quickly, they are absolutely essential to my district and to the State of New York.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. David,

    What do you know about school vouchers???? Don’t worry if these bills don’t pass quickly!! Senator Felder will make sure to champion for this when sessions start again.

  2. Another publicity stunt since Starobin must realize that there’s no way a bill can be introduced and passed in less than 2 weeks.

  3. well, funny you shoud ask, considering hes actually an attorney who has more knowledge of the Blain amendment than SImcha does by leaps and bounds!!

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