‘Joe The Plumber’ Links Gun Control To Holocaust

Congressional candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher – who is better known as “Joe The Plumber” – is defending a controversial campaign video that suggests gun control led to the Holocaust.

“In 1911, Turkey established gun control,” the Ohio Republican says in the video as he is shown loading a shotgun. “From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were exterminated. In 1939, Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, six million Jews and seven million others, unable to defend themselves, were exterminated.”

National Jewish Democratic Council President and CEO David A. Harris criticized the spot Tuesday and called on Wurzelbacher to apologize.

“Using the memories of the six million Jews killed in the Holocaust to make a political point is never appropriate, under any circumstances,” he said in a statement. “For Ohio Republican House candidate Samuel Wurzelbacher to imply that these innocent lives were taken because of gun control laws is simply beyond the pale.”

“Different countries around the world have tried to disarm their citizens, and then have tried to exterminate their own now-unarmed citizens,” Wurzelbacher told Politico.




6 Responses

  1. Something about emes backed up by historical precedent really bothers Democrats…. even (gevalt) Jewish ones.

  2. 1. Given that the Polish and French armies, which were quite well equipped and just as modern as the Germans, still lost, it is doubtful that a fully armed Jewish militia would have done much better. However, note that Switzerland survived World War II by basically giving everyone a gun, and forcing Germany to decide it would be too expensive to fight them.

    2. However a well armed civilian population does make it harder to contemplate ethnic cleansing. It certainly doesn’t help to have gun control if you are afraid of the government trampling the population. During the period of slavery and Jim Crow, denying blacks the right to bear arms was considered critical (there a famous story from Condi Rice about her father using a shotgun to fend off the KKK).

    3. Countries with well armed populations tend to be more democratic since anyone going against the will of the people knows the people can shoot back (indeed, the origin of the legal concept of the right to bear arms goes back to the 17th century when the English militia was a decisive factor in overthrowing a king who desired to turn England into an absolute monarchy).

    4. Traditionally Jews did not have the right to bear arms, though most did illegally. The first civil rights case in America involved Jews suing for the right to bear arms (rather than pay a fee for being exempt from the militia).

  3. It is interesting that one public opinion poll after another (in nearly every country in the world) shows that the public has no respect or confidence in politicians and yet there are those who want to give those same low lives a monopoly over guns.

  4. akuperma you’re genius is breathtaking! you have such brilliant comments on ALL issues that present themselves!
    how fortunate we are that you selflessly share your wealth
    with the rest of us!Thanks again!

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