Eldad & Ben-Ari: Rav Melamed Sold Out for Real Estate

MKs (Ichud HaLeumi) Prof. Aryeh Eldad and Dr. Michael Ben-Ari released a statement that Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed capitulated; stating the values of settlement can be purchased with the value of real estate.

Rabbi Melamed, the mora d’asra of Beit El, reached agreement with the prime minister by which the planned resistance to the evacuation of the Ulpana homes would be canceled and instead, residents will leave voluntarily towards avoiding a confrontation similar to Amona and Gush Katif.

“One who does this paves the way for Netanyahu to cut settlement and to establish a Palestinian state in line with his vision. The entire idea foolish idea of sawing the homes was devised to save Likud from the photos of destruction which have become the party’s way, fearing the response on Election Day”.

As reported earlier, Rabbi Melamed agreed to have the families leave their homes voluntarily by next week’s deadline and in return, the prime minister remains committed to the construction of 300 additional homes in Beit El. In addition, the apartment buildings being evacuated are not going to be destroyed, but rather moved to the new location.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Before those in Chu’L comment, please remember that this is a matter of hatzalas nefashos on both sides and there is no great answer other than tefillah. These are helliger yiddin who are putting everything on the line for E’Y and regardless of the politics, their sacrafice leshem shamayim on both sides is a tremendous zichus for our dor.

  2. this is a matter of hatzalas nefashos on both sides

    Really? Whose lives will be saved by removing the houses?

    and there is no great answer

    Of course there is. Let Netanyahu order his defense minister to leave the residents alone, and all will be well. Nothing is forcing him to obey the court order.

  3. Millhouse, nicely said.

    Now maybe Eldad can explain what he was doing with the leaders of the ‘anti-Expulsion protest movement’ in 2005 when they were making a deal with the army to leave Kfar Maimon and not march on Gush Katif. (See online the Meraglim film.)

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