Setting Priorities For Chareidim In Eretz Yisrael

When asked to sign the letter being distributed by Sephardi Chief Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar against the state recognition of Reform Movement clergy, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yonah Yechiel Metzger declined the daily Yisrael HaYom reports.

According to the report, in the meeting earlier in the week in Bnei Brak at the home of HaGaon HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman Shlita, Rabbi Metzger was instructed not to sign the letter, with the gadol hador explaining at present, “we have more important issues like the new Tal Law”. As such, Rabbi Metzger did not sign, adhering to Rav Shteinman’s instructions. The gadol hador is quoted as explaining to Rav Metzger that his not signing will not result in any significant tension with his colleague, Rav Amar.

When asked to comment on the report, officials in Rav Amar’s office explained the rav remains committed to combat the state decision granting partial legitimacy to Reform clergy in Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Assuming the above happened as reported, two implications are apparent:

    1) R. Shteinman’s priorities lie with his community (and how it will be affected in the post Tal Law era) and not with the entirety of Am Yisrael (since the overwhelmingly majority of Jews in E’Y rely on the Rabbanut for its religious services). While it certainly R. Shteinman’s prerogative to defend the self interests of his constituency, R. Metzger’s prerogative in his role as Rav HaRoshi ought to lie elsewhere.

    2) No chiddush here, but again a reminder of why R. Metzger has no place being the Rav HaRoshi. He was essentially placed in the role as a puppet for those who ultimately couldn’t care less about the Rabbanut (see #1 above) and it is a role he has played very well, much to the detriment of those who appreciate the importance of the Rabbanut for Klal Yisroel.

  2. #1 is exactly right. Instead of just serving the Charedi tzibur, shouldn’t R’ Metzger be “setting priorities for Yiddishkeit in Eretz Yisrael?”

  3. Why would being concerned about the Tal law be a reason not to sign the letter? Very hard to believe this report.

  4. to # 1 gefet
    you r totally wrong in your first comment & therefore in your second comment too.
    R. Shteinman’s priorities lie with the entirety of Am Yisrael, period.
    you just need to understand israei politics & also the deep & encompassing wisdom of such a gadol
    btw the chief rabbi was probably missqouted …

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