Tibi Opposed to Ramon Space Center in Taibeh

For many around the world the name of Israel’s first astronaut, Colonel Ilan Ramon z”l leads to one shedding a tear, for the late air force colonel found a place in the hearts of many Jews around the world as he exhibited a sense of mission when selected to represent Israel as its first man in space on a NASA flight.

For Ramon z”l it was not a personal success but he felt representative of the Jewish People, from the articles that survived the concentration camps that accompanied him to the questions on hilchos shabbos posed to Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita on his behalf, as he explained he wishes to represent all Jews by his inclusion in the Columbia flight.

While for most Jews his name brings a sense of pride this cannot be said for all members of Knesset, as MK (Ra’am-Ta’al) Dr. Ahmed Tibi remains adamantly opposed to the planned dedication of the new space center in the Israeli Arab municipality of Taibeh. Tibi feels this is a slap in the face to the Arab citizens since Ramon took part in bombing missions against his people in southern Lebanon and now the center in an Arab community is dedicated in his memory.

Tibi sent an angry letter to Science Minister Rabbi Dr. Daniel Hershkowitz, explaining that prior to becoming a NASA astronaut Ramon spent 24 years as an Israel Air Force fighter pilot, including his role in Operation Opera, the 1981 bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor in Osiraq. Ramon was the youngest member of the bombing team. Tibi points out that he also spent years taking part in bombing missions over S. Lebanon.

“I was shocked to discover that the space center in Taibeh will be named after Ilan Ramon,” Tibi wrote in the letter, adding “despite the Ramon family’s tragedy, we are talking about a fighter pilot who took part in air strikes on civilian populations during the first Lebanon war and in attacks in other Arab countries.”

“Dedicating a center in his honor in an Arab community is tasteless and unjustified and may hurt the feelings of its residents and the Arab public in general.”

Ynet adds that Tibi suggests that instead of dedicating the space center after Ramon, the government instead select an Islamic space scientist or instead of dedicating it in Ramon’s memory, call the new facility the Taibeh Space Center.

Hershkowitz accuses Tibi of “crossing a red line” and stated the planned naming/dedication will take place as planned, and the facility will carry the name of Ilan Ramon despite his objections. He added that Ramon was a hero, dedicating his life to fighting Israel’s enemies at home and abroad.

Ramon perished along with six other crew members of the ill-fated Columbia space shuttle which exploded in February 2003.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Dear Dr. Tibi יש”ו:

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings on the matter. Let this action that Israel is taking demonstrate to you that although you have a voice in government, the population of Israel and its feelings outnumber yours, and thanks to HKB”H your evil intentions will not alter what Israel chooses to do. You have always placed the importance of protecting terror over the lives of Israeli civilians. Nearly every behavior of yours that has been observed has shown your consistency in this. Well, we will no longer accept it. From this point on, we will begin every public event with a prayer for your immediate demise, with the silent hope that it be soon and vicious. Again, thank you for once again showing your true colors.

    People of Israel

  2. Tibi is admitting that “the Arab public in general” supports Israel’s enemies and is offended by one who bombed them. If that is so then they should not be allowed to vote.

  3. If you don’t like Israel, Mr Tibi, perhaps you should move to Syria or Iran. They love people who oppose the government and have very special treatment reserved especially for them.
    PS: You might want to make sure your will is in order before you go.

  4. We all feel terrible, Mr. Tibi.

    So your feelings shouldn’t be “hurt”, why don’t you finaly move to a country better suited to your kind? Perhaps try Iraq, maybe even Syria?

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