Israel: Are Driving School Cars Safe?

In Israel, the system is of the opinion that a parent is unqualified to teach a child to drive, and one wishing to obtain a drivers license is compelled to shell out thousands of NIS to hire a ‘professional’ instructor from a school in addition to passing the comprehensive permit test and other didactic knowledge included in the driving syllabus.

In a startling announcement, Ministry of Transportation officials report that 11% of the certified driving instruction vehicles used in Israel were found to have serious safety flaws and when checked by the ministry’s mobile inspection vans, they were immediately ordered off the road and their registration suspended pending proof the safety violations were repaired in a certified garage.

8 of 73 instruction vehicles inspected around the country were found non-roadworthy in a mobile inspection. Some of the violations included leaky brake lines, leaking gas tank, inoperable brake system warning lights, bald tires and ABS issues.

The ministry regularly operates mobile inspection vans that will pull over motorists and conduct a routine inspection on a vehicle. Minor infractions are noted and at times a fine may be issued. If a vehicle is viewed as being dangerous it is immediately removed from the road and the registration canceled pending proof of repairs by a certified professional.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


One Response

  1. 8 out of 73 is not a huge amount around the 10% mark. Depends what type of repairs are necessary. Since the horrendous accident of the family in the North with faulty brakes – FINALLY safety is looked upon seriously.

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