MORE HATE IN BROOKLYN: Man Assaulted While Walking Home From Shul On Friday Night – Because He’s A JEW

The following is from a Exclusive:

Council Member Michael C. Nelson along with Council Member Lew Fidler and Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein expressed outrage and shock over the recent escalation of anti-Semitic vandalism and assaults in their Brooklyn communities.

In addition to the wave of swastikas being scrawled along various locations throughout Borough Park, and on a van in Kensington last week – there are reports today that the windows of more than a dozen vehicles were shot out by a pellet gun overnight in Williamsburg, and that anti-Semitic words were painted on a Williamsburg Street.

“Even more barbaric is what happened this past Friday evening to an orthodox man on his way home from Shul,” said Councilman Nelson. “The man was brutally assaulted simply because he is a Jew.” A band of 5 or 6 perpetrators accosted the individual on Bedford Avenue & Neck Road in Sheepshead Bay, called him a “Kike” and a “dirty Jew,” and then two of them proceeded to pummel him with their fists leaving the man injured with a black eye and other contusions.

“I am speechless that such acts of hate and violence, which harken back to what the Nazis did, are occurring right here in communities that boldly pride themselves on their rich diversity,” Councilman Nelson asserted. “We are a civilized society and must not tolerate hate crimes of any kind,” stressed Nelson. “Anti-Semitism is not just an attack on members of the Jewish faith; it is an attack on everyone. We must therefore ALL stand united to tackle this problem in a way that discourages such reprehensible, cowardly acts,” Nelson asserted.

“I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in our neighborhood. I am pleased that the NYPD has agreed to our demand for increase patrols and thank Shomrim for stepping up their presence, as well. We are going to both nip this in the bud and bring these thugs to justice,” said Councilman Lew Fidler.

“These incidents are under investigation by the NYPD Hate Crimes Unit,” stated Councilman Michael C. Nelson.

“I am appalled by this reprehensible action of Anti-Semitism. This bias incident will not be tolerated, and we ask individuals with information to please come forward and call the Confidential NYPD TIPS LINE at 1-800-577-TIPS,” said Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein upon hearing about Friday night’s attack.


3 Responses

  1. All over the world, since the destruction of the Temple, there are those who hate us. Until the third temple is built, we must realize this.

  2. In a 1972 interview, Rabbi Meir Kahane ztzvk”l said…

    “My motto is, “Every Jew, a Twenty-Two.” I would have made it an M-l, but it didn’t rhyme.”

    “lazerc”… You are correct that “there are those who hate us. Until the third temple is built, we must realize this.”
    – Yes, we must realize it AND, to the best of our ability, prepare ourselves to deal with it.

  3. #2 Kahane’s way is not the way. It’s not by that fist that we will win. If your hope is the fists which Kahane used to waive when he spoke, the fist that served as the symbol of his Israeli movement “Kach” than I hate to inform you but there are many more enemies of the Jewish people then there are Jewish people, and if the fist is your hope, then ultimately their fists outnumber our fists.
    It was not by the fist the Jews have survived all these years. I hate to sound wimpy but during the time of Golus the way Cha”zal said we handle this is by davening, appeasing, and running away if need be. (Cf. Ramban beginning of Parshas Vayishlach)

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