Children in Frum Areas of Yerushalayim Being Attacked

Residents of the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Maalot Daphna, Shmuel HaNavi, Golda Meir and Arzei HaBira are concerned over attacks against children in those communities, Kikar Shabbat reports.

A small girl in a playground in Arzei HaBira was targeted on Monday, 28 Sivan 5772 as she entered a closed slide. It appears the attacker, dressed in chareidi clothing, was waiting inside.

M, a female resident of the community saw the girl crying her heart out explaining “At first none of us understood what was going on. A bit later she explained that she entered the slide and was attacked by a man there, a strange man.”

Residents explain this is another attack in the community and they are more than a bit concerned. They are not sitting around waiting for miracles, and they have begun by posting announcements to increase awareness and hoping to obtain information that may lead to his apprehension.

P, a resident of Maalot Daphna was a witness to such an attack a number of weeks ago. “I saw a chareidi male attacked by residents. It appears he tried to attack a child. He was spotted and they ran after him”.

The perpetrator managed to flee and remains at large at this time.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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