Bloomberg: Port Authority Wrong To Halt PATH Train Service For Obama Visit

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg says trains between New York and New Jersey should not have been halted because President Barack Obama was in town.

Train service to and from the World Trade Center station was shut down for over three hours Thursday because of Obama’s visit to the trade center site.

Obama went to the site to view what was once Ground Zero. The president then greeted construction workers who were among those building One World Trade Center. He also met with elected officials, including Bloomberg, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

During the tour, the president left his mark on Ground Zero forever by signing a beam that will be used to finish construction of the Freedom Tower. That beam was also signed by the First Lady, Cuomo, Christie and Bloomberg.

Host John Gambling mentioned the shutdown during Bloomberg’s weekly radio show on WOR Friday.

Gambling said the Secret Service wanted the trains halted. Bloomberg responded, “Well, you don’t have to say yes. This is our city.”

Port Authority spokesman Steve Coleman said that when dealing with the safety of the president and the first lady, the agency follows the recommendations of the Secret Service and its own police department. He said that’s “not negotiable” and “just common sense.”

(Source: WCBSTV)

3 Responses

  1. this time bloomberg is right. we live in a democracy not a monarchy. every time the president comes to town the city becomes topsy turvy with no regard to the average person. if the Secret Service feels that there is a problem with the presidents security , then don’t bring him.

  2. Bloomberg is part of the problem because he & OblameO share the same leftist views, he sucks up to OblameO at every opportunity he can.

  3. Given that the “A” & “1” trains were running under Madison Square Garden during the Republican convention 2004, which was attended by the former President of the United States of America, it was senseless to shut down the Path train to WTC during this president’s visit.

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