Cops Accused of Brutality at Shabbos Protest

On shabbos afternoon, Eida Chareidis officials announced the weekly shabbos protest would be held at Devorah HaNevi’a Street near the Ministry of Education and not near Bikur Cholim Hospital in an effort to prevent a confrontation with secular counter protestors.

The shouts of “Shabbes” were heard and police were directed to the site of the protest, assisted by mounted units, instructed to disperse the protest quickly.

Participants report they were hit indiscriminately and the use of unjustifiable force was widespread. When protestors shouted they would report police for their brutality, they were struck repeatedly in response.

One of the Eida mashgichim present to maintain order gave testimony to unprecedented police brutality. He added “I personally asked the commander, Alon Weinstein why they were acting this way and he said ‘I have orders from above’. It is truly a disgrace”.

Near motzei shabbos the chiloni protestors from Yisrael Chofshit arrived and a confrontation resulted. Rocks were flying in both directions. Mounted police moved in and pushed chareidim back into Meah Shearim.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. I have some questions.

    1. Have these (chillul) Shabbos protests stopped chillul Shabbos in any wa and have they accomplished anything in the last 10 years?

    2. Have the protests brought any of the people involved or those who read about it closer to Hashem or pushed them further away?

  2. HERES an idea….. why dont u protest on ave j or route 9 in lakewood and block traffic so no cars can pass??? and when the cops come to yell at you throw dirrty diapers and soda bottles at them??? and then when cops push u to the side yell brutality…. while israel ia jewish country it is democratic…. and if someone wants drive on shabbat its their choice….. acting like an inner city and rioting will accomplish zero and only causes chilul hashem and turn frum people off…

  3. Since when does protest take precendence over learning?
    Don’t the people have anything better to do on Shabbos than act like a bunch of behemos?

  4. Shabbos desecration hurts them. If someone hurt your child would you not protest. They are doing it leshem shomayim and it is surely having an effect on people who hear about the protests and think, what is this shabbos that bothers them so much. Hashem should bless them with long life. please refrain from such hatred and anti-semitism against your fellow jews.

  5. #3
    acting like an inner city

    please they are acting worse inner city do not throw diapers and you can make your point without disparaging others

  6. I was there, I did not take part in either protest. Was your reporter there?

    I didn’t see any evidence of an Eida mashgich’s presence. He didn’t do a very good job of maintaining order. Perhaps I also missed when he told children to go home or adults to stay on the street where the demonstration was supposed to be. The demonstration was not confined to Devorah HaNevi’a Street where it wouldn’t have caused any trouble (no cars went down that street until after Shabbat) but was also along Rechov Haneviim between Devorah Hanevi’a and Shivtei Yisrael where many cars passed.

    Two bits of advice to protestors who want to avoid being injured. The first is that when they say to move, move. And don’t move back onto the sidewalk when they ask and the moment they go away step back into the street. Your father would give you a potch for behaving like that, too. The second is, don’t tell the police you’re filing a complaint, wait until after Shabbat and actually do it. Next week, hire a non-Jewish photographer to take photos of the alleged police brutality.

  7. “They are doing it leshem shomayim” – from where and how did you come to this conclusion??

    You dont think that Rav Finkel zt”l wasnt bothered by chilul shabbos and numerous other gedolim who do not advocate DEMOS, VIOLENCE, street gatherings and shabbos protests….of course we all love shabbos kodesh except this is not showing a love, respect and admiration for the day this is FUNDED DEMOS against the government of Israel to bring shameful behaviors to the paper headlines and hatred to brothers. Follow the bottom line, what regular, normal, ehrlich, helige man is leaving his shtender, family, shul, children, rest to go out and make a ruckus if it is not good for his pocket, kehilla or agenda.

  8. A question to the protestors and Eidah:

    These Demos take place in secular neighborhoods which, especially now in the summer, is full of Pritzus. What about Shmiras Einayim??? What about rock throwing which is certainly Muktzeh and can easily cause Netilas Neshumeh if somebody is even lightly injured???

    Stop these useless protests already and go to Bais Medrash to learn and Daven. If Chillul Shabbos realy hurts you, say an extra Perek Tehillim for Acheinu Bnei Yisroel they should see the truth.

  9. p_almonius (#8)writes: “Next week, hire a non-Jewish photographer to take photos of the alleged police brutality.”

    Based on what heter can one hire an eino-Yehudi to do work for a Yid on Shabbos? Who are you to dispense advice?

  10. Based on what heter can one hire an eino-Yehudi to do work for a Yid on Shabbos?

    If there’s a real concern about safety, then the heter would be tzorchei tzibur. Photography is probably not an issur de’oraisa.

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