The Rise Of A NYC City Demagogue: Charles Barron

Who is Charles Barron? He is a demagogue who could be joining the U.S. House next year as the representative of New York’s Eighth Congressional District. Departing Democratic congressman Ed Towns has endorsed Barron, now a city councilman of New York, as his successor, despite having derided Barron as a “bomb thrower” when he challenged Towns in a primary four years ago.

Along with Representative Towns’s endorsement, Barron has gained the backing of several important unions in New York City. District Council Locals 37 and 1707, along with their parent union, the American Federation of State, Country, and Municipal Employees, are supporting Barron’s candidacy, nominally because his primary opponent, Hakeem Jeffries, has endorsed charter schools.

According to Ester Fuchs, a professor of public affairs and political science at Columbia University, the unions have other motives for their support: “DC 37 is using their endorsement to scare the mayoral candidates in the next Democratic primary election. They want to move the front-runners away from the political center.”


One Response

  1. this is just like the mob of the old days. the unions want to flex there power , however as some cities in California are finding out . you can run out of money and there is just so much a city can tax.

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