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KSM Wants To Wear Military-Style Clothing At 9/11 Trial

The man who has called himself the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks is seeking to wear military-style clothing at his upcoming war crimes trial in Guantanamo, one of his attorneys said Wednesday.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed has asked to wear a camouflage field jacket and camouflage turban with traditional Pakistani clothing as he goes on trial with four other men at the US base in Cuba on charges that include murder and terrorism.

Mohammed wanted to wear the items at his May 5 arraignment but prison officials refused to allow it. They also rejected some clothing requested by other defendants as inappropriate for the military tribunal.

But his defense team is asking the judge to overrule that decision, arguing in newly released court papers that Mohammed is seeking to wear items customarily worn by members of a militia and that it violates his right to a fair trial and historical precedent by forbidding him to do so.

“He’s being prosecuted for violating the laws of war in the context of hostilities,” said Army Capt. Jason D. Wright, a member of Mohammed’s Pentagon-appointed defense team. “War crimes defendants during the Tokyo and Nuremberg tribunals apparently had a right to wear military-style clothing, and it’s unlikely that the US had a problem about Mr. Mohammad’s particular clothing when he was part of the US-backed mujahadeen in Afghanistan who fought the Soviets.”

The defense also argues that denying him the right to wear the clothing of his choice is attempt to break him down psychologically, a continuation of the harsh interrogation, including being waterboarded 183 times, that he endured in the CIA’s clandestine prison system before he was brought to Guantanamo in September 2006.


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